Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy 2009This presentation was part of the session : Roundtables on Methods, Measures, and DataThis material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. ©2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale o...
The aim of the Science Foresight Project was to design and assess a simple, objective and cost-effec...
With advances in science and technology and changes in industry, research on promising future techno...
Prospective studies about emerging technologies and their implications for public policy formulation...
International audience"New" and "Emerging Science" and "Technologies" ("NESTs") have tremendous inno...
International audience"New" and "Emerging Science" and "Technologies" ("NESTs") have tremendous inno...
The magnitude of the change required to approach sustainability indicates an effort that will have t...
The present work is framed within tech mining and technology forecasting fields. It proposes an appr...
Scientific progress and technological innovation have become major drivers of economic progress in ...
Research and inventive activities represent core elements of science-based companies' comparative ad...
International audienceA key element in many future-oriented technology analyses is the expert foreca...
The paper presents basic concepts on nanotechnology and the use of this in an oil and gas research a...
Innovations in nanotechnology are making a revolution in manufacturing and production, creating new ...
Depending on how the future will unfold, today’s progress in biotechnology research has greater or l...
Depending on how the future will unfold, today's progress in biotechnology research has greater or l...
The nanotechnology industry is predicted to be capable of rivalling the biotechnology industry and e...
The aim of the Science Foresight Project was to design and assess a simple, objective and cost-effec...
With advances in science and technology and changes in industry, research on promising future techno...
Prospective studies about emerging technologies and their implications for public policy formulation...
International audience"New" and "Emerging Science" and "Technologies" ("NESTs") have tremendous inno...
International audience"New" and "Emerging Science" and "Technologies" ("NESTs") have tremendous inno...
The magnitude of the change required to approach sustainability indicates an effort that will have t...
The present work is framed within tech mining and technology forecasting fields. It proposes an appr...
Scientific progress and technological innovation have become major drivers of economic progress in ...
Research and inventive activities represent core elements of science-based companies' comparative ad...
International audienceA key element in many future-oriented technology analyses is the expert foreca...
The paper presents basic concepts on nanotechnology and the use of this in an oil and gas research a...
Innovations in nanotechnology are making a revolution in manufacturing and production, creating new ...
Depending on how the future will unfold, today’s progress in biotechnology research has greater or l...
Depending on how the future will unfold, today's progress in biotechnology research has greater or l...
The nanotechnology industry is predicted to be capable of rivalling the biotechnology industry and e...
The aim of the Science Foresight Project was to design and assess a simple, objective and cost-effec...
With advances in science and technology and changes in industry, research on promising future techno...
Prospective studies about emerging technologies and their implications for public policy formulation...