Description of the Ahrens' experiences at the "Freies Jüdisches Lehrhaus" in Frankfurt and biographical sketches of Martin Buber, Nehemias Anton Nobel, Franz Rosenzweig, and Eduard Strauss.See also longer version "Franz Rosenzweig and the Men of the Frankfurt Lehrhaus 1921-1922 :Reminiscenses, Observations and Notes.
Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929), philosopher and theologian, was an important personality in post-World...
Vortrag, gehalten zum 70. Todestag von Franz Rosenzweig (10.12.1929) in der Gesellschaft für Christl...
Transcript of two handwritten notebooks, originally written in Strassburg 1910 and Freiburg 1922 res...
Description of the "Freies Jüdisches Lehrhaus" in Frankfurt and biographical sketches of Martin Bube...
Adele Rosenzweig's recollections of her son's Franz childhood.Franz Rosenzweig was born in Kassel on...
Childhood in Frankfurt am Main; father provided assistance to Bertha Pappenheim's home for unwed mot...
Life in well-to-do Berlin Jewish family; privilege of author's family to remain in Berlin; encounter...
Personal encounter with Adolf Hitler; mainly on general aspects of social and political changes in N...
University studies in Breslau and Munich; military service during World War I; lawyer in Breslau bef...
En créant la « Libre Maison d’Études juive » à Francfort en 1920, Franz Rosenzweig entendait donner ...
Biographical sketch: reminiscences of Hamburg childhood at the end of 19th century; reflections on r...
An eyewitness‘ recollection of a discussion between the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber and the Prot...
Sammelrezension von: 1. BIOS-Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung und Oral History. Hrsg. von Werner ...
Ganiage Jean. Rosenbaum (Jürgend) : Frankreich in Tunesien. Die Anfänge des Protektorates (1881-1886...
Youth in Vienna; high school and university study; parental house with many famous visitors; soldier...
Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929), philosopher and theologian, was an important personality in post-World...
Vortrag, gehalten zum 70. Todestag von Franz Rosenzweig (10.12.1929) in der Gesellschaft für Christl...
Transcript of two handwritten notebooks, originally written in Strassburg 1910 and Freiburg 1922 res...
Description of the "Freies Jüdisches Lehrhaus" in Frankfurt and biographical sketches of Martin Bube...
Adele Rosenzweig's recollections of her son's Franz childhood.Franz Rosenzweig was born in Kassel on...
Childhood in Frankfurt am Main; father provided assistance to Bertha Pappenheim's home for unwed mot...
Life in well-to-do Berlin Jewish family; privilege of author's family to remain in Berlin; encounter...
Personal encounter with Adolf Hitler; mainly on general aspects of social and political changes in N...
University studies in Breslau and Munich; military service during World War I; lawyer in Breslau bef...
En créant la « Libre Maison d’Études juive » à Francfort en 1920, Franz Rosenzweig entendait donner ...
Biographical sketch: reminiscences of Hamburg childhood at the end of 19th century; reflections on r...
An eyewitness‘ recollection of a discussion between the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber and the Prot...
Sammelrezension von: 1. BIOS-Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung und Oral History. Hrsg. von Werner ...
Ganiage Jean. Rosenbaum (Jürgend) : Frankreich in Tunesien. Die Anfänge des Protektorates (1881-1886...
Youth in Vienna; high school and university study; parental house with many famous visitors; soldier...
Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929), philosopher and theologian, was an important personality in post-World...
Vortrag, gehalten zum 70. Todestag von Franz Rosenzweig (10.12.1929) in der Gesellschaft für Christl...
Transcript of two handwritten notebooks, originally written in Strassburg 1910 and Freiburg 1922 res...