ma thèse se compose de deux sujets distincts l'un de l'autre et s'est réalisée en codirection dans deux laboratoires (équipes 3 et 6) de l'Unité BFA de l'Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7Down syndrome is the most common aneuploidy, it originates from the presence of an extra 21st chromosome. The establishment of genotype/phenotype correlations in patients with Down's syndrome made it possible to highlight the DYRK1A kinase, encoded by the DYRK1A gene localized in the region DCR-1 on 21st chromosome, as a good candidate in the onset of mental retardation. Understanding the role and regulation of DYRK1A is thus necessary and for that, to get a reliable kinase activity assay is essential. First, we focused on the establishment of a new method o...