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As advances in the networking technology help to connect distant corners of the globe and as the Int...
International audienceWith the Internet's unprecedented growth and nations' reliance on computer net...
The enhancements of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are still bellow expectations. The great numbe...
Modem network security products vary greatly in their underlying technology and architecture. Since ...
The key methods for testing network-intrusion detection systems are considered. The advantages and d...
Host-based intrusion-prevention systems are currently popular technologies which try to prevent expl...
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are hardware or software systems that are used to identif...
Presently, we are living in a hyper-connected world where millions of heterogeneous devices are cont...
This paper presents an analysis of a rules-based approach and a statistical anomaly approach to Intr...
Network Intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are security systems utilized to detect security threats ...
The significance of network security has grown enormously and a number of devices have been introduc...
In this paper, we present the design, the implementation details, and the evaluation results of an i...
In this article, the authors describe common intrusion detection techniques, NIDS evasion methods, a...
This chapter presents network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs)—the foundation models, the technol...
Now day’s information of an organization floating over the internet that increases the traffic on th...
As advances in the networking technology help to connect distant corners of the globe and as the Int...
International audienceWith the Internet's unprecedented growth and nations' reliance on computer net...
The enhancements of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are still bellow expectations. The great numbe...
Modem network security products vary greatly in their underlying technology and architecture. Since ...
The key methods for testing network-intrusion detection systems are considered. The advantages and d...
Host-based intrusion-prevention systems are currently popular technologies which try to prevent expl...
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are hardware or software systems that are used to identif...
Presently, we are living in a hyper-connected world where millions of heterogeneous devices are cont...
This paper presents an analysis of a rules-based approach and a statistical anomaly approach to Intr...
Network Intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are security systems utilized to detect security threats ...
The significance of network security has grown enormously and a number of devices have been introduc...
In this paper, we present the design, the implementation details, and the evaluation results of an i...
In this article, the authors describe common intrusion detection techniques, NIDS evasion methods, a...
This chapter presents network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs)—the foundation models, the technol...
Now day’s information of an organization floating over the internet that increases the traffic on th...
As advances in the networking technology help to connect distant corners of the globe and as the Int...
International audienceWith the Internet's unprecedented growth and nations' reliance on computer net...
The enhancements of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are still bellow expectations. The great numbe...