The number of transistors as well as the frequency of processors have followed Moore's law for the past decades, at the expense of an increase in architecture complexity. As improvements in processor clock frequencies have levelled out, a major shift to parallelism is taking place. Parallelism is now the only way to enhance performance, and compilers and operating systems are essential to improve performance automatically. Due to the complexity of hardware mechanisms, hard to model, compilers are still far from being able to generate high performance application codes, even on a single core. The work presented in this thesis focuses on two aspects of this issue: we rst describe results obtained for the optimization and generation of high pe...
Moore's law on semiconductors is coming to an end. Scaling the von Neumann architecture over the 40 ...
Fully utilizing the potential of parallel architectures is known to be a challenging task. In the pa...
The power, frequency, and memory wall problems have caused a major shift in mainstream computing by ...
The goal of this dissertation is to give programmers the ability to achieve high performance by focu...
Developing programs that fully utilize the available computing capabilities of the underlying hardwa...
Production compilers have achieved a high level of maturity in terms of generating efficient code. C...
In this dissertation, we show that source-to-source optimization is an efficient method to generate ...
Most people write their programs in high-level languages because they want to develop their algorith...
La complexité grandissante des architectures ne simplifie pas la tâche des compilateurs à générer du...
This work was also published as a Rice University thesis/dissertation:
Un choix efficace des optimisations de compilation améliore notablement la performances des applicat...
Performance bounds represent the best achievable performance that can be delivered by target microar...
As the demand increases for high performance and power efficiency in modern computer runtime systems...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
La compilation est une étape indispensable dans la création d'applications performantes.Cette étape ...
Moore's law on semiconductors is coming to an end. Scaling the von Neumann architecture over the 40 ...
Fully utilizing the potential of parallel architectures is known to be a challenging task. In the pa...
The power, frequency, and memory wall problems have caused a major shift in mainstream computing by ...
The goal of this dissertation is to give programmers the ability to achieve high performance by focu...
Developing programs that fully utilize the available computing capabilities of the underlying hardwa...
Production compilers have achieved a high level of maturity in terms of generating efficient code. C...
In this dissertation, we show that source-to-source optimization is an efficient method to generate ...
Most people write their programs in high-level languages because they want to develop their algorith...
La complexité grandissante des architectures ne simplifie pas la tâche des compilateurs à générer du...
This work was also published as a Rice University thesis/dissertation:
Un choix efficace des optimisations de compilation améliore notablement la performances des applicat...
Performance bounds represent the best achievable performance that can be delivered by target microar...
As the demand increases for high performance and power efficiency in modern computer runtime systems...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
La compilation est une étape indispensable dans la création d'applications performantes.Cette étape ...
Moore's law on semiconductors is coming to an end. Scaling the von Neumann architecture over the 40 ...
Fully utilizing the potential of parallel architectures is known to be a challenging task. In the pa...
The power, frequency, and memory wall problems have caused a major shift in mainstream computing by ...