Azole fungicides are detected in the aquatic environment and can inhibit enzymatic activities of cytochrome P450 (CYP). This thesis aims to characterize the mechanism of action of the pharmaceutical clotrimazole on testicular steroidogenesis in zebrafish using a network of functional genes along the brain-pituitary-gonad axis and to evaluate the effect of clotrimazole on spermatogenesis. We show that clotrimazole is able to affect steroidogenesis differently in vitro and in vivo (i) the exposure of testicular explants in vitro leads to inhibition of the synthesis of 11-ketotestosterone, showing a direct action on the testis, and (ii) in vivo exposure increases the transcript levels of genes involved in steroidogenesis. An integrative approa...
The correct performance of spermatogenesis is linked to the functioning of Sertoli cells, as they ar...
The mammalian testis has two major functions, sperm production, and synthesis of androgens. The main...
International audienceAzoles are used in agriculture and medicine to combat fungal infections. We ha...
Les azoles sont des fongicides présents dans les milieux aquatiques et connus pour inhiber des activ...
Clotrimazole is an azole fungicide used as a humanpharmaceutical that is known to inhibit cytochrome...
Clotrimazole (CLO) is a pharmaceutical fungicide that has been recently detected in aquatic environm...
Clotrimazole is a pharmaceutical fungicide that has been recently detected in aquatic environment. T...
International audienceClotrimazole is a pharmaceutical fungicide known to inhibit several cytochrome...
International audienceThe aim of the present study was to characterize P450 17alpha-hydroxylase/17,2...
un poster présentéAzole is a class of diverse compounds discovered several decades ago and essential...
International audienceAzole is a class of diverse compounds discovered several decades ago and essen...
It is known that several azole fungicides can affect the expression and activities of some steroidog...
Thyroid hormones (THs) regulate many biological processes in vertebrates, including reproduction. Te...
The correct performance of spermatogenesis is linked to the functioning of Sertoli cells, as they ar...
The mammalian testis has two major functions, sperm production, and synthesis of androgens. The main...
International audienceAzoles are used in agriculture and medicine to combat fungal infections. We ha...
Les azoles sont des fongicides présents dans les milieux aquatiques et connus pour inhiber des activ...
Clotrimazole is an azole fungicide used as a humanpharmaceutical that is known to inhibit cytochrome...
Clotrimazole (CLO) is a pharmaceutical fungicide that has been recently detected in aquatic environm...
Clotrimazole is a pharmaceutical fungicide that has been recently detected in aquatic environment. T...
International audienceClotrimazole is a pharmaceutical fungicide known to inhibit several cytochrome...
International audienceThe aim of the present study was to characterize P450 17alpha-hydroxylase/17,2...
un poster présentéAzole is a class of diverse compounds discovered several decades ago and essential...
International audienceAzole is a class of diverse compounds discovered several decades ago and essen...
It is known that several azole fungicides can affect the expression and activities of some steroidog...
Thyroid hormones (THs) regulate many biological processes in vertebrates, including reproduction. Te...
The correct performance of spermatogenesis is linked to the functioning of Sertoli cells, as they ar...
The mammalian testis has two major functions, sperm production, and synthesis of androgens. The main...
International audienceAzoles are used in agriculture and medicine to combat fungal infections. We ha...