For correct operation, certain analog and digital circuits, such as current mirrors or SRAM, require pairs of MOS transistors that are electrically identical. Real devices, however, suffer from random local variations in the electrical parameters, a problem referred to as mismatch. The aim of this thesis is to understand the physical causes of mismatch, to quantify this phenomenon, and to propose solutions that enable to reduce its effects. In this context, four major areas are treated. The first one focuses on the optimization of mismatch measurement methodologies. A new technique for the measurement of Vt and β mismatch and an ID mismatch model are proposed, analyzed and applied to experimental data for 28 nm Bulk and FD SOI technologies....
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique to characterize the atomic-level str...
InAs and Bi1-xSbx nanowires with their distinct material properites hold promises for nanoelec- tron...
L’optique quantique électronique, i.e. la réalisation de l’analogue électronique d’expériences d’opt...
For correct operation, certain analog and digital circuits, such as current mirrors or SRAM, require...
Graphene, a material made of a one-atom-thick carbon layer, is a major topic of modern condensed-mat...
The continuous scaling of transistor dimensions has increased the sensitivity of digital circuits to...
It is virtually impossible to name all the spheres of society that have been profoundly changed by t...
Over the past few years, neural network (NN) architectures have been successfully applied to many Na...
A precise understanding of the coordination geometry and electronic structure around metal cen- ters...
3D sequential integration is a promising candidate for the scaling sustainability for technological ...
Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm envisages expanding the current Internet with a huge number of the...
Non-volatile memory (NVM) devices have been attracting intensive research interest since they promis...
We have investigated the thermoelectric magnetic (TEM) forces and flows resulting from the interacti...
Le développement intensif et rapide des dispositifs HEMT à base de nitrure de gallium a été largemen...
Until the early 2000’s Dennard’s scaling rules at the transistor level have enabled to achieve a per...
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique to characterize the atomic-level str...
InAs and Bi1-xSbx nanowires with their distinct material properites hold promises for nanoelec- tron...
L’optique quantique électronique, i.e. la réalisation de l’analogue électronique d’expériences d’opt...
For correct operation, certain analog and digital circuits, such as current mirrors or SRAM, require...
Graphene, a material made of a one-atom-thick carbon layer, is a major topic of modern condensed-mat...
The continuous scaling of transistor dimensions has increased the sensitivity of digital circuits to...
It is virtually impossible to name all the spheres of society that have been profoundly changed by t...
Over the past few years, neural network (NN) architectures have been successfully applied to many Na...
A precise understanding of the coordination geometry and electronic structure around metal cen- ters...
3D sequential integration is a promising candidate for the scaling sustainability for technological ...
Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm envisages expanding the current Internet with a huge number of the...
Non-volatile memory (NVM) devices have been attracting intensive research interest since they promis...
We have investigated the thermoelectric magnetic (TEM) forces and flows resulting from the interacti...
Le développement intensif et rapide des dispositifs HEMT à base de nitrure de gallium a été largemen...
Until the early 2000’s Dennard’s scaling rules at the transistor level have enabled to achieve a per...
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique to characterize the atomic-level str...
InAs and Bi1-xSbx nanowires with their distinct material properites hold promises for nanoelec- tron...
L’optique quantique électronique, i.e. la réalisation de l’analogue électronique d’expériences d’opt...