9 pages, 4 figures, invited talk submitted to the proceedings of "SIMBOL-X: the hard X-ray Universe in focus" conference, held May 14-16, 2007, Bologna, Italy (comments are welcome)In this contribution we discuss the 44Ti nucleosynthesis gamma-ray lines and their visibility with SIMBOL-X from simulations based on its expected sensitivity and spectro-imaging capabilities. The 44Ti radioactive nucleus can provide invaluable information on the details of supernova explosions. Its lifetime of about 85 yrs makes it the best indicator of the youth of these stellar explosions through its three gamma-ray lines at 67.9, 78.4 keV and 1.157 MeV. We focus on the youngest Galactic supernova remnants, namely: Cassiopeia A, for which the location and Dopp...