Be kind to thy father for when thou wert young,Who loved thee so fondly as he?He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue,And joined in thy innocent glee.Be kind to thy father, for now he is old,His locks intermingled with gray;His footsteps are feeble, once fearless and bold,Thy father is passing away. Be kind to thy mother for lo! on her browMay traces of sorrow be seen;Oh well may\u27st thou cherish and comfort her now,For loving and kind hath she been.Remember thy mother for thee will she pray,As long as God giveth her breath;With accents of kindness then cheer her lone way,E\u27en to the dark valley of death. Be kind to thy brother his heart will have dearth,If the smile of thy joy be withdrawn;The flowers of feeling will fad...