Friends depart, and mem\u27ry takes them,To her caverns pure and deep,And a forc\u27d smile only wakes them,From the shadows where they sleep,Who shall school the heart\u27s affection?Who shall banish its regret? If you blame my deep dejection,Teach, oh teach me to forget. Bear me not to festive bow\u27rs,\u27Twas with them I sat there last;Weave me not springs early flow\u27rs,They\u27ll remind me of the past:Music seems like mournful wailing,In the halls where we have met;Mirth\u27s gay call is unavailing,Teach, oh teach me to forget. One who hopelessly remembers,Cannot bear a dawning light;He would rather watch the embers,Of a love that once was bright:Who shall school the heart\u27s affection?Who shall banish its regret?If you blame my ...