A far-ultraviolet variable with an 18-minute period in the globular cluster NGC 1851

  • Zurek, D.R.
  • Knigge, C.
  • Maccarone, T.J.
  • Pooley, D.
  • Dieball, A.
  • Long, K.S.
  • Shara, M.
  • Sarajedini, A.
Oxford University Press (OUP)


We present the detection of a variable star with an 18.05 minute period in far-ultraviolet (FUV) images of the globular cluster NGC 1851 taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). A candidate optical counterpart lies on the red horizontal branch or the asymptotic giant branch star of the cluster, but it is statistically possible that this is a chance superposition. This interpretation is supported by optical spectroscopt obtained with HST/STIS: the spectrum contains none of the strong emission lines that would be expected if the object was a symbiotic star (i.e. a compact accretor fed by a giant donor). We therefore consider two other possibilities for the nature of FUV variable: (i) an intermediate polar (i.e. a compact binary containing...

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