The housing market has lately turned very intense with many speculators and hectic auctions. The high demand and stagnating supply has led to significant increase in housing prices around the Stockholm area. This has resulted in apartments being bought or sold before the ordinary viewings where one out of five apartments is today being sold before the actual viewing. We have conducted a qualitative study where we have evaluated how selling before ordinary viewings affect the housing market and the corresponding reasons behind this. To enable a pertinent conclusion, we have gather theoretical information regarding what factors affect the housing markets together with interviews with several real estate agents. Furthermore, we have highlight...
In this study, we investigate how people’s housing preferences have been affected during the Covid-1...
Background Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries,...
This study aims to investigate the causal linkage between developers’ pricing strategies and time on...
The housing market has lately turned very intense with many speculators and hectic auctions. The hig...
Studien gick ut på att undersöka hur slutpriset på en bostadsrättslägenhet av storleken en- och tvår...
The situation that one can discern on the Swedish real estate market is that while there are several...
Att spekulera i bostadsrätter har blivit ett alltmer populärt sätt att placera sina pengar. De senas...
En studie gjord av den internationella mäklarfirman Knight Frank placerar den svenska bostadsmarknad...
Det råder en bostadsbrist i Stockholm till följd av flera decennier med låg nyproduktion av bostäder...
In recent years, Stockholm has shown a large rent increases in the office market simultaneously as t...
Fenomenet ”såld före visning” är i dagsläget inte lika förekommande som för enbart något år sedan. D...
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vad det är som påverkar bostadspriserna på Uppsalas bostads...
70 percent of Sweden´s municipalities say they do not have vacant rental flats and a shortage is eme...
Avyttringen och ombildningen av kommunala och privata bostadshyresfastigheter till bostadsrättsfören...
The aim of this study was to investigate how the amortization requirements of 2016 and 2018 haveaffe...
In this study, we investigate how people’s housing preferences have been affected during the Covid-1...
Background Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries,...
This study aims to investigate the causal linkage between developers’ pricing strategies and time on...
The housing market has lately turned very intense with many speculators and hectic auctions. The hig...
Studien gick ut på att undersöka hur slutpriset på en bostadsrättslägenhet av storleken en- och tvår...
The situation that one can discern on the Swedish real estate market is that while there are several...
Att spekulera i bostadsrätter har blivit ett alltmer populärt sätt att placera sina pengar. De senas...
En studie gjord av den internationella mäklarfirman Knight Frank placerar den svenska bostadsmarknad...
Det råder en bostadsbrist i Stockholm till följd av flera decennier med låg nyproduktion av bostäder...
In recent years, Stockholm has shown a large rent increases in the office market simultaneously as t...
Fenomenet ”såld före visning” är i dagsläget inte lika förekommande som för enbart något år sedan. D...
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vad det är som påverkar bostadspriserna på Uppsalas bostads...
70 percent of Sweden´s municipalities say they do not have vacant rental flats and a shortage is eme...
Avyttringen och ombildningen av kommunala och privata bostadshyresfastigheter till bostadsrättsfören...
The aim of this study was to investigate how the amortization requirements of 2016 and 2018 haveaffe...
In this study, we investigate how people’s housing preferences have been affected during the Covid-1...
Background Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries,...
This study aims to investigate the causal linkage between developers’ pricing strategies and time on...