“多义词词义搭配知识库与词义标注“是国家社科基金课题“基于国家语委‘通用语料库’的汉语义频词库的开发“的研究成果。研究过程中对最初设计的目标定位、处理的词语数量、语料规模都作了较大调整,表现为由义频研究转至义频获得,由部分多义词转至现代汉语的整体双音高频多义词,由2000万字的核心语料库转至2.5亿字的通用语料库。研究成果由7个资源库与3个软件处理平台构成,从而达到词义自动标注的目的。"the knowledge base of polysemous word meaning collocation and semantic labeling" is the national social science fund project based on the research results of "the general corpus development of Chinese thesaurus semantic frequency".In the process of the research, we made major adjustments to the original design goal orientation, the number of words and corpora scale.The research result is consist of seven resource libraries and three software processing platforms, so as to achieve the aim of automatic labeling meaning.国家社科规划基金课题“基于国家语委‘通用语料库’的汉语义频词库的...