One of the most challenging problems in peer-to-peer networks is \textit{query routing}: effectively and efficiently identifying peers that can return high-quality local results for a given query. Existing methods from the areas of distributed information retrieval and metasearch engines do not adequately address the peculiarities of a peer-to-peer network. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item{Methods for query routing that take into account the mutual overlap of different peers' collections,} \item{Methods for query routing that take into account the correlations between multiple terms,} \item{Comparative evaluation of different query routing methods.} \end{enumerate} Our experiments confirm the sup...
The peer-to-peer networking paradigm has emerged as an exciting and popular approach for interconnec...
In this paper, we propose a query based query routing approach for unstructured peer-to-peer network...
The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the essential task of finding ...
One of the most challenging problems in peer-to-peer networks is \textit{query routing}: effectively...
Abstract: We consider the problem of collaborative Web search and query routing strategies in a peer...
Peer-to-peer systems have recently a remarkable success in the social, academic, and commercial comm...
We consider the problem of collaborative Web search and query routing strategies in a peer-to-peer (...
AbstractIn recent years, peer-to-peer (P2P) technology is widely used and concerned by both academic...
Abstract. We consider a collaboration of peers autonomously crawling the Web. A pivotal issue when d...
We consider a collaboration of peers autonomously crawling the Web. A pivotal issue when designing a...
International audiencePeer-to-peer (P2P) computing is currently attracting enormous attention. In P2...
The peer-to-peer computing paradigm is an intriguing alternative to Google-style search engines for ...
Peer-to-Peer computing paradigm may provide a solution to the retrieval problem in an ever burgeonin...
International audiencePeer-to-peer (P2P) computing is currently attracting enormous attention. In P2...
We consider the network structure and query processing capabilities of social communities like bookm...
The peer-to-peer networking paradigm has emerged as an exciting and popular approach for interconnec...
In this paper, we propose a query based query routing approach for unstructured peer-to-peer network...
The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the essential task of finding ...
One of the most challenging problems in peer-to-peer networks is \textit{query routing}: effectively...
Abstract: We consider the problem of collaborative Web search and query routing strategies in a peer...
Peer-to-peer systems have recently a remarkable success in the social, academic, and commercial comm...
We consider the problem of collaborative Web search and query routing strategies in a peer-to-peer (...
AbstractIn recent years, peer-to-peer (P2P) technology is widely used and concerned by both academic...
Abstract. We consider a collaboration of peers autonomously crawling the Web. A pivotal issue when d...
We consider a collaboration of peers autonomously crawling the Web. A pivotal issue when designing a...
International audiencePeer-to-peer (P2P) computing is currently attracting enormous attention. In P2...
The peer-to-peer computing paradigm is an intriguing alternative to Google-style search engines for ...
Peer-to-Peer computing paradigm may provide a solution to the retrieval problem in an ever burgeonin...
International audiencePeer-to-peer (P2P) computing is currently attracting enormous attention. In P2...
We consider the network structure and query processing capabilities of social communities like bookm...
The peer-to-peer networking paradigm has emerged as an exciting and popular approach for interconnec...
In this paper, we propose a query based query routing approach for unstructured peer-to-peer network...
The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the essential task of finding ...