The Diary of Sarah Fishkin follows the life of the Fishkin family as they fight to adapt and survive...
This thesis consists of practice-led research in the form of a full-length script for a feature film...
In a society where one percent of the population can see into the future, a stubborn man who drinks ...
A horror screenplay that uses the skeletal structure of the classic slasher and attempts to move awa...
A British Comedy film script with elements of the 'action', 'fantasy' and to a lesser extent 'thrill...
Drag Me All the Way Down is a story about how we define ourselves by our relationships, how we deal ...
Writing stories is more than fantastic structure. It's character, too. This statement is somethi...
Feature film horror screenplay. Logline: When her dishonest fiancee disappears on a wild night out, ...
[Extract] As the title suggests, this performance was not for the faint-hearted. In another collabor...
One of the hardest things for a writer to do is to find his or her own voice. We are all influenced ...
This thesis is an original play consisting of two acts. Using the traditional structure and plot con...
The major characters of the following four stories hold this in commons the need to control the even...
The output of an experiment in examining writing processes and practices, particularly challenging t...
I love over-the-top drama. When I was watching the Lifetime Network one afternoon, I had an epiphany...
People come through from one side to the other, in and out: The five year old girl, eating an ice cr...
The Diary of Sarah Fishkin follows the life of the Fishkin family as they fight to adapt and survive...
This thesis consists of practice-led research in the form of a full-length script for a feature film...
In a society where one percent of the population can see into the future, a stubborn man who drinks ...
A horror screenplay that uses the skeletal structure of the classic slasher and attempts to move awa...
A British Comedy film script with elements of the 'action', 'fantasy' and to a lesser extent 'thrill...
Drag Me All the Way Down is a story about how we define ourselves by our relationships, how we deal ...
Writing stories is more than fantastic structure. It's character, too. This statement is somethi...
Feature film horror screenplay. Logline: When her dishonest fiancee disappears on a wild night out, ...
[Extract] As the title suggests, this performance was not for the faint-hearted. In another collabor...
One of the hardest things for a writer to do is to find his or her own voice. We are all influenced ...
This thesis is an original play consisting of two acts. Using the traditional structure and plot con...
The major characters of the following four stories hold this in commons the need to control the even...
The output of an experiment in examining writing processes and practices, particularly challenging t...
I love over-the-top drama. When I was watching the Lifetime Network one afternoon, I had an epiphany...
People come through from one side to the other, in and out: The five year old girl, eating an ice cr...
The Diary of Sarah Fishkin follows the life of the Fishkin family as they fight to adapt and survive...
This thesis consists of practice-led research in the form of a full-length script for a feature film...
In a society where one percent of the population can see into the future, a stubborn man who drinks ...