Cardiac−specific activation of Cre expression at late fetal development

  • Opherk, Jan−Patrick
  • Yampolsky, Pessah
  • Hardt, Stefan E.
  • Schoels, Wolfgang
  • Katus, Hugo A.
  • Koenen, Michael
  • Zehelein, Joerg
Publication date
January 2007


n a first step towards dissecting molecular mechanisms that contribute to the development of cardiac diseases, we have generated transgenic mice that express a Cre−GFP fusion protein under the transcriptional control of a 4.3 kb murine cardiac Troponin I gene (cTnI) promoter. Cre−GFP expression, similar in three transgenic lines, is described in one line. In mouse embryos, transgenic for the Cre−GFP and ROSA lacZ reporter allele, first Cre−mediated recombination appeared at 16.5 dpc selectively at the heart. Like the endogenous cTnI gene, transgenic Cre expression showed a slow rise through fetal development that increased neonatally. Bitransgenic hearts, stained at 30 days of age, showed intense signals in ventricular and atrial myocytes w...

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