Residing after World War II in Berne, Jerzy Stempowski was one of the key essayists associated with the influential Polish émigré periodical Kultura. The chapter offers a brief overview of the way his writing on Europe evolved in the period between the 1920s and the 1960s: an initial idealization of the West European empires and its political acumen gave way to a profound disenchantment with them in the late 1930s, and a simultaneous revaluation of Eastern Europe. Stempowski’s reconsideration of Europe with its internal divisions deepened further in the postwar years, when as an exile he elaborated new metaphors of the European provincialization and wrote multiple travelogues from Western Europe
The article is an effect of interest in research interests across the image of Polish accession to t...
From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the outsk...
This article is a description of the relation between Polish culture and the West in Czeslaw Milosz’...
As Europe experienced tumultuous change after the Second World War, two Polish exiles, Jerzy Stempow...
Poland is located in Eastern Europe - the other Europe - which shares a continent, but seemingly l...
THE APPEAL of the West has always been one of the most vivid topics in the history of Poland, an int...
The aim of the article is to analyze the way in which Andrzej Stasiuk portrays the European peripher...
The Poles, a "nation of travellers" spread throughout all countries and continents during the war, w...
The topic of Central Europe is one of the key problems for contemporary Polish literature, as it def...
This article in a way constitutes the third part of a cycle of essays on the portrayal of Poland and...
The article presents problematic issues resulting from the Polish presence on the historical eastern...
After regaining its independence in 1918, Poland had to face the task of unifying the vision of its ...
A pretext for the article is a book Moja Europa [My Europe], published jointly by Yuri Andrukhovych ...
Despite the fact that Poland has undoubtedly always been a part of Europe (like Belarus is now), dur...
Central Europe (East-Central Europe) or Extolling Diversity and ComparatisticsThis essay is, on the ...
The article is an effect of interest in research interests across the image of Polish accession to t...
From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the outsk...
This article is a description of the relation between Polish culture and the West in Czeslaw Milosz’...
As Europe experienced tumultuous change after the Second World War, two Polish exiles, Jerzy Stempow...
Poland is located in Eastern Europe - the other Europe - which shares a continent, but seemingly l...
THE APPEAL of the West has always been one of the most vivid topics in the history of Poland, an int...
The aim of the article is to analyze the way in which Andrzej Stasiuk portrays the European peripher...
The Poles, a "nation of travellers" spread throughout all countries and continents during the war, w...
The topic of Central Europe is one of the key problems for contemporary Polish literature, as it def...
This article in a way constitutes the third part of a cycle of essays on the portrayal of Poland and...
The article presents problematic issues resulting from the Polish presence on the historical eastern...
After regaining its independence in 1918, Poland had to face the task of unifying the vision of its ...
A pretext for the article is a book Moja Europa [My Europe], published jointly by Yuri Andrukhovych ...
Despite the fact that Poland has undoubtedly always been a part of Europe (like Belarus is now), dur...
Central Europe (East-Central Europe) or Extolling Diversity and ComparatisticsThis essay is, on the ...
The article is an effect of interest in research interests across the image of Polish accession to t...
From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the outsk...
This article is a description of the relation between Polish culture and the West in Czeslaw Milosz’...