Theatre as an art form consists of a series of actions created by a writer and animated by actors in the presence of an observing public. Canto XIII of Purgatorio develops with the aid of linguistic devices that are transformed into dramatic effects, identifiable with a modern performance. Scene description, lighting, and sound effects serve to highlight the essential aspects of the Canto of the repenting Envious. There evolves a spectacle of Envy – of ‘seeing’ and ‘not seeing’, of ‘observing’, ‘listening’ ‘hearing’ and ‘participating’. These verbs are utilized in order to create the drama central to the episode: the contrast between the ‘seen’ and ‘unseen’ and the visual significance and memory/confession of the principal persona Sapia of ...
A Dangerous Game of Friedrich Dürrenmatt centres on the mockery of justice. The issue was brought to...
The paper examines some mise-en-scène of important directors (Macbeth by Ariane Mnouchkine, the ibse...
This article wants to argue that the two theatrical shows, Sonno from the Italian company OPERA, and...
Il teatro come forma d'arte consiste in un'azione creata da un autore, animata da attori in presenza...
Il lavoro indaga gli studi sulla relazione teatrale e la mutazione delle poetiche del teatro degli u...
Nel quadro di un lavoro dedicato alla teoria del testo drammatico, nel rapporto tra istanza diegetic...
The contemporary theater draws from the world fragments of concrete reality on which it bases both t...
Si sono qui prese in esame quattro esperienze performative internazionali contemporanee - scelte per...
The essay aims at showing the development of the critical thought about Prometheus Bound that underl...
What I seek to propose in this article is, on the one hand, a brief summary about the issue of theat...
In the works of Sicilian writers it is easy to notice the transformation of the island into a sort o...
Abstract – ITArtaud e il suo “teatro della crudeltà” costituiscono il paradigma attraverso il quale ...
La crisi del “teatro come servizio pubblico” degli Stabili, Piccolo Teatro in testa, si manifesta al...
Roberto Alonge’s contribution takes note of the fact that Pirandello’s dramaturgy constitutes a fixe...
Nel quadro di un lavoro dedicato alla teoria del testo drammatico, nel rapporto tra istan- za dieget...
A Dangerous Game of Friedrich Dürrenmatt centres on the mockery of justice. The issue was brought to...
The paper examines some mise-en-scène of important directors (Macbeth by Ariane Mnouchkine, the ibse...
This article wants to argue that the two theatrical shows, Sonno from the Italian company OPERA, and...
Il teatro come forma d'arte consiste in un'azione creata da un autore, animata da attori in presenza...
Il lavoro indaga gli studi sulla relazione teatrale e la mutazione delle poetiche del teatro degli u...
Nel quadro di un lavoro dedicato alla teoria del testo drammatico, nel rapporto tra istanza diegetic...
The contemporary theater draws from the world fragments of concrete reality on which it bases both t...
Si sono qui prese in esame quattro esperienze performative internazionali contemporanee - scelte per...
The essay aims at showing the development of the critical thought about Prometheus Bound that underl...
What I seek to propose in this article is, on the one hand, a brief summary about the issue of theat...
In the works of Sicilian writers it is easy to notice the transformation of the island into a sort o...
Abstract – ITArtaud e il suo “teatro della crudeltà” costituiscono il paradigma attraverso il quale ...
La crisi del “teatro come servizio pubblico” degli Stabili, Piccolo Teatro in testa, si manifesta al...
Roberto Alonge’s contribution takes note of the fact that Pirandello’s dramaturgy constitutes a fixe...
Nel quadro di un lavoro dedicato alla teoria del testo drammatico, nel rapporto tra istan- za dieget...
A Dangerous Game of Friedrich Dürrenmatt centres on the mockery of justice. The issue was brought to...
The paper examines some mise-en-scène of important directors (Macbeth by Ariane Mnouchkine, the ibse...
This article wants to argue that the two theatrical shows, Sonno from the Italian company OPERA, and...