La serp d'aram: assaig d'interpretació metafòrica

  • Ramis Darder, Francesc
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Publication date
January 2015
Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya


Studies on the episode of the serpent of bronze have identified three principalapproaches to the story. The symbolic aspect comes out of the book ofWisdom (Wsd 13.11-19). The reading of 2Kgs 18.4 has led many authors toan aetiological analysis. The depths of the spiritual meaning are especiallyevident in the New Testament and the Mishna. Taking account of the wealthand depth of the aforementioned positions, we have put forward anotherapproach. The serpent of bronze, made by Moses following the orders of God,constitutes a figure with a catechetical function which the leader of Israeluses to ridicule the worship of images. If the Israelites, attracted by idolatry,are able to contemplate the uselessness of images, such as represented by theser...

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