Inauguration of the “Fernando Fajnzylber” Conference Room and presentation of CEPAL Review No. 50 / Gert Rosenthal and Alejandro Foxley. -- Flying g eese or sitting ducks? Transnationals and industry in developing countries / Michael Mortimore. -- Industrial policy: where do we stand? / Wilson Peres Núñez. -- The challenge of industrial competitiveness / Rudolf M. Buitelaar and Leonard Mertens. -- Rural society: its integration and disintegration / Martine Dirven. -- Indigenous peoples and modernity / John Durston. -- Women: productivity and labour in the United States / Inés Bus tillo and Nancy S. Barrett. -- Capital flow s and their effect on the monetary base / Helmut Reisen. -- Old and new trade policies / Daniel Lederman. -- Integratio...