En analys och tolkning av Geoscience BC TREKprojektets geokemiska och mineralogiska morändata för att fastställa den geokemiska karaktären av Au-Ag-Cu-Mo-mineralisering på Nechakoplatån, British Columbia, Kanada

  • Öberg, Karin
Publication date
January 2016
Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper


The mineral exploration in the interior of British Columbia is challenged by an extensive coverage of glacial sediments. The Geoscience British Columbia (GBC) Targeting Resources through Exploration and Knowledge (TREK) Survey has since 2013 collected till samples in the northern interior plateau of British Columbia, covering an area of approximately 25,000km2. The TREK area is largely covered by Miocene to Pleistocene age volcanic rocks that are underlain by older volcanic, sedimentary, and intrusive rocks of the Stikine Terrane, and also to a smaller extent in the east by rocks of the Cache Creek Terrane. Previous surficial mapping to aid mineral exploration has determined that the Pleistocene ice sheet advances have been mainly to the ea...

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