6 p.-5 fig.Paxillin is a focal adhesion-associated protein that functions as a multi-domain adapter protein, binding several structural and signaling molecules. a-Tubulin was identified as an interacting protein in a two-hybrid screen using the paxillin C-terminal LIM domain as a bait. In vitro binding assays with glutathione S-transferase-paxillin demonstrated an interaction of a-tubulin with the C terminus of paxillin. Another member of the tubulin family, g-tubulin, bound to both the N and the C terminus of paxillin. The interaction between paxillin and both a- and g-tubulin in vivo was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation from human T lymphoblasts. Immunofluorescence studies revealed that, in adherent T cells, paxillin localized to sites ...