Apesar do s??men su??no congelado estar dispon??vel comercialmente deste 1975, o seu uso tem ocorrido somente em ocasi??es espec??ficas, pois, em rela????o ao uso de s??men refrigerado, requer duas a tr??s vezes maior n??mero de espermatoz??ides por dose, o processamento do s??men ?? trabalhoso, o tamanho da leitegada ?? diminu??do em um a tr??s leit??es por parto e a taxa de pari????o ?? menor. Dessa forma, a grande maioria das insemina????es artificiais nessa esp??cie utiliza s??men dilu??do e acondicionado no estado l??quido entre 15 e 18 ??C. Os objetivos desta tese foram: avaliar diferentes diluidores de resfriamento, metodologias de congelamento, temperaturas de centrifuga????o, uso de crioprotetores intracelulares a base de amidas e ...
Despite the new researches in boar semen cryopreservation, application of frozen-thawed (FT) semen i...
Biotechnology of boar semen cryopreservation has not succeeded due to the high sensitivity of swine ...
Artificial insemination (AI) was the first great biotechnology applied to improve reproduction and g...
Although boar semen is available in the frozen format since 1975, its use has been restricted to ve...
A avalia????o da efici??ncia da criopreserva????o do s??men ?? uma importante ferramenta para viabil...
The freezing process of boar semen produces changes in the integrity of the membranes, which may var...
A insemina????o artificial (IA) em su??nos com s??men congelado apresenta ??ndices de desempenho rep...
O interesse pelo uso da insemina????o artificial (IA) em ovinos vem crescendo, em fun????o do avan??...
The evaluation of the efficiency of semen cryopreservation is critical to make the use of frozen se...
A criopreservação espermáticaé considerada como uma técnica de ampla aplicabilidade e eficiência par...
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the previous and later phases to the free...
Artificial insemination (AI) in swine with frozen semen presents lower reproductive performance tha...
The world’s pig population is consistently being upgraded through the international trade of superio...
Commercial artificial insemination with boar semen still prefers the usage of refrigerated semen up...
Foram utilizados vinte e quatro ejaculados de cinco diferentes cachaços na congelação de sêmen suíno...
Despite the new researches in boar semen cryopreservation, application of frozen-thawed (FT) semen i...
Biotechnology of boar semen cryopreservation has not succeeded due to the high sensitivity of swine ...
Artificial insemination (AI) was the first great biotechnology applied to improve reproduction and g...
Although boar semen is available in the frozen format since 1975, its use has been restricted to ve...
A avalia????o da efici??ncia da criopreserva????o do s??men ?? uma importante ferramenta para viabil...
The freezing process of boar semen produces changes in the integrity of the membranes, which may var...
A insemina????o artificial (IA) em su??nos com s??men congelado apresenta ??ndices de desempenho rep...
O interesse pelo uso da insemina????o artificial (IA) em ovinos vem crescendo, em fun????o do avan??...
The evaluation of the efficiency of semen cryopreservation is critical to make the use of frozen se...
A criopreservação espermáticaé considerada como uma técnica de ampla aplicabilidade e eficiência par...
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the previous and later phases to the free...
Artificial insemination (AI) in swine with frozen semen presents lower reproductive performance tha...
The world’s pig population is consistently being upgraded through the international trade of superio...
Commercial artificial insemination with boar semen still prefers the usage of refrigerated semen up...
Foram utilizados vinte e quatro ejaculados de cinco diferentes cachaços na congelação de sêmen suíno...
Despite the new researches in boar semen cryopreservation, application of frozen-thawed (FT) semen i...
Biotechnology of boar semen cryopreservation has not succeeded due to the high sensitivity of swine ...
Artificial insemination (AI) was the first great biotechnology applied to improve reproduction and g...