INDONESIA: Kerjasma pertanian di desa Ngroto kecamatan pujon sudah biasa terjadi. Pelaksanaan sistem profit sharing (bagi hasil) diserti sewa. Dimana masyarakat selaku penggarap harus membagi hasil panen pertanian dan membayarkan sewa setiap akhir tahun kepada pemerintah desa. Tanah kas desa disini adalah tanah yang menjadi milik desa dan merupakan salah satu asset desa. Dalam pelaksanaan sisitem profit sharing (bagi hasil) disertai sewa, dimana harus ada perjanjian oleh kedua belah pihak satu orang atau lebih maka harus memelukan kata sepakt kedua belah pihak yang berakad. Dan harus sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada di dalam Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat dua rumusan masalah yaitu: 1) Bagaimanakah sis...
The purpose of this study is to find out the profit sharing from the collaboration between farmer gr...
Abstrak In Kaibeso, there is a profit sharing system in agriculture done among paddy farmers, and it...
Abstrak In Kaibeso, there is a profit sharing system in agriculture done among paddy farmers, and it...
Bagi hasil merupakan suatu bentuk kesepakatan antara pemilik lahan dengan pekerja, bentuk kesepakata...
Bagi hasil menurut terminologi asing (Inggris) dikenal dengan profit sharing. Profit sharing dalam k...
Profit sharing system in villages is found in Indonesian society's daily life particularly in fishin...
Implementation of Profit Sharing in the Al Mahbub Cooperative in practice is in accordance with shar...
INDONESIA: Salah satu bentuk implementasi dari ekonomi Islam yakni pada sistem bagi hasil. Ada ti...
Cooperation in the form of Musyarakah, in theory, can be carried out by several people with each par...
The Profit Sharing agreement is an agreement which is held between one party or a legal entity of th...
Cooperation in the form of Musyarakah, in theory, can be carried out by several people with each par...
The profit-sharing system is a system in which an agreement or joint bond in the business is agreed ...
Tujuan Penelitian Ini Adalah Untuk Menguji Pengaruh Sistem Profit Sharing Terhadap Keinginan Dan Kep...
Determining the profit-sharing ratio in Islamic concepts is a necessity. The system of determination...
The purpose of this study is to find out the profit sharing from the collaboration between farmer gr...
The purpose of this study is to find out the profit sharing from the collaboration between farmer gr...
Abstrak In Kaibeso, there is a profit sharing system in agriculture done among paddy farmers, and it...
Abstrak In Kaibeso, there is a profit sharing system in agriculture done among paddy farmers, and it...
Bagi hasil merupakan suatu bentuk kesepakatan antara pemilik lahan dengan pekerja, bentuk kesepakata...
Bagi hasil menurut terminologi asing (Inggris) dikenal dengan profit sharing. Profit sharing dalam k...
Profit sharing system in villages is found in Indonesian society's daily life particularly in fishin...
Implementation of Profit Sharing in the Al Mahbub Cooperative in practice is in accordance with shar...
INDONESIA: Salah satu bentuk implementasi dari ekonomi Islam yakni pada sistem bagi hasil. Ada ti...
Cooperation in the form of Musyarakah, in theory, can be carried out by several people with each par...
The Profit Sharing agreement is an agreement which is held between one party or a legal entity of th...
Cooperation in the form of Musyarakah, in theory, can be carried out by several people with each par...
The profit-sharing system is a system in which an agreement or joint bond in the business is agreed ...
Tujuan Penelitian Ini Adalah Untuk Menguji Pengaruh Sistem Profit Sharing Terhadap Keinginan Dan Kep...
Determining the profit-sharing ratio in Islamic concepts is a necessity. The system of determination...
The purpose of this study is to find out the profit sharing from the collaboration between farmer gr...
The purpose of this study is to find out the profit sharing from the collaboration between farmer gr...
Abstrak In Kaibeso, there is a profit sharing system in agriculture done among paddy farmers, and it...
Abstrak In Kaibeso, there is a profit sharing system in agriculture done among paddy farmers, and it...