Master’s thesis includes knowledges about mobility support in IPv4 networks and studies abilities for mobility support in IPv6 networks. Describes protocols for mobility support, their functions and topologies like MIPv6 (RFC 3775), FMIPv6 (RFC 5568), HMIPv6 (RFC 5380) and F-HMIPv6. The thesis contains a design of the simulation MIPv6 in the OPNET Modeler program and the measured results are explained. There are analysis of source code for mobility support in MIPv6 too, which were used for design a new protocol according to FMIPv6 in the OPNET. The following parts of the proposal have been successfully resolved. The link-layer events detection, which triggers FMIPv6 protocol and implementation of two new types of messages, RtSolPr and PrRtA...