Each chapter in this book deals with a single mathematical topic, which ideally should form the basis of a single lecture. The chapter has been designed as a mixture of the following ingredients: -(i) Illustrative examples and notes for the student's pre-lecture reading. (ii) Class discussion exercises for study in a lecture or seminar. (iii) Graded problems for assignment work. Contents 1 Sets, functions page 11 2 Limits and continuity 17 3 The exponential and related functions 25 4 Inverse functions 30 5 Differentiation 35 6 Differentiation of implicit functions 44 7 Maxima and minima 50 8 Curve sketching 54 9 Expansion in series 61 10 Newton's method 67 11 Area and integration 72 12 Standard integrals 80 13 Applications of the fundamenta...