The Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman announced the Budget in February 2021, giving health and well-being as a top priority for the government, with an impressive increase of 137% over the previous year’s health sector budget. The need to strengthen primary, secondary and tertiary public healthcare systems was a clear message from the budget statement. The authors analyse the current budget in the context of chronic underinvestment in health and question whether this allocation will make any meaningful impact on the public health infrastructure as the impressive headline allocation appears to be more of a trick than a treat to the health sector
The rising healthcare cost in low-income countries (LIC) got sparked attention during the last decad...
Health sector reforms were introduced in several states of India in 1991. The rationale was to incre...
In India, a substantial investment has been made in developing community-based programmes, such as I...
The Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman announced the Budget in February 2021, giving healt...
India has set out ambitious goals for itself in the health sector in its Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-...
Crippling out of pocket health expenditure and lack of access to health care among the poor are sign...
The Government of India has publicly committed to a doubling or trebling of government health spendi...
The country's infrastructure needed to be reassessed, with an emphasis on improving rural health inf...
India is the world’s largest parliamentary democracy and has a federal system of government with 28 ...
This article is based on a study of Public Expenditure Review of Health Spending in Selected States ...
India's health sector continues to be challenged by overall low levels of public financing, entrench...
This paper setting the health in the macroeconomic framework discusses how health is being neglected...
India is a pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic country located in Southeast Asia. It is the 2...
India has relatively poor health outcomes, despite having a well-developed administrative system, go...
The public health spending in India has been hovering around 1% of gross domestic produc...
The rising healthcare cost in low-income countries (LIC) got sparked attention during the last decad...
Health sector reforms were introduced in several states of India in 1991. The rationale was to incre...
In India, a substantial investment has been made in developing community-based programmes, such as I...
The Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman announced the Budget in February 2021, giving healt...
India has set out ambitious goals for itself in the health sector in its Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-...
Crippling out of pocket health expenditure and lack of access to health care among the poor are sign...
The Government of India has publicly committed to a doubling or trebling of government health spendi...
The country's infrastructure needed to be reassessed, with an emphasis on improving rural health inf...
India is the world’s largest parliamentary democracy and has a federal system of government with 28 ...
This article is based on a study of Public Expenditure Review of Health Spending in Selected States ...
India's health sector continues to be challenged by overall low levels of public financing, entrench...
This paper setting the health in the macroeconomic framework discusses how health is being neglected...
India is a pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic country located in Southeast Asia. It is the 2...
India has relatively poor health outcomes, despite having a well-developed administrative system, go...
The public health spending in India has been hovering around 1% of gross domestic produc...
The rising healthcare cost in low-income countries (LIC) got sparked attention during the last decad...
Health sector reforms were introduced in several states of India in 1991. The rationale was to incre...
In India, a substantial investment has been made in developing community-based programmes, such as I...