The direct coupling of free-flow isotachophoresis device with an electrospray-ionization-mass-spectrometer allows continuous online detection without any sample preparation such as purification and labeling.Přímé spojky volného toku Isotachoforesa zařízení s elektrorozprašování-ionizace-hmotnostním spektrometrem-umožňuje nepřetržité online detekci bez přípravy vzorku, jako je čištění a označování
Capillary electrophoresis – electrospray ionization – mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS) combines the sup...
Techniques and instruments of isotachophoresis are described and the technique is demonstrated by se...
A survey is given of the latest research on isotachophoresis, especially instrumentation aspects and...
We present the online coupling of a free-flow isotachophoresis (FFITP) device to an electrospray ion...
This article is devoted to a new modern analytical technique isotachophoresis which is an electropho...
A sheathless interface making use of a porous tip has been used for coupling capillary electrophores...
Diplomová práca je zameraná na vývoj inštrumentálneho usporiadania in line prepojenia mikroelektrome...
The low-cost set-up is based on the flexible microfluidic breadboard approach. To avoid the use of e...
An online coupling of microchip isotachophoresis (µITP) with ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) using t...
The coupling between open channel-based microchip electrophoresis and mass spectrometry via electros...
Desorpcija i ionizacija elektroraspršenjem (DESI) tehnika je ionizacije uzorka kod koje se kao detek...
Isotachophoresis (displacement electrophoresis) belongs to one of the four basic electrophoretic sep...
A method for conversion of the universal detector signal in isotachophoresis which enables the use o...
Práce se zabývá vlivem pracovních parametrů na separaci látek micelární elektrokinetickou chromatogr...
The online coupling of capillary electrophoresis with ambient direct analysis in real time mass spec...
Capillary electrophoresis – electrospray ionization – mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS) combines the sup...
Techniques and instruments of isotachophoresis are described and the technique is demonstrated by se...
A survey is given of the latest research on isotachophoresis, especially instrumentation aspects and...
We present the online coupling of a free-flow isotachophoresis (FFITP) device to an electrospray ion...
This article is devoted to a new modern analytical technique isotachophoresis which is an electropho...
A sheathless interface making use of a porous tip has been used for coupling capillary electrophores...
Diplomová práca je zameraná na vývoj inštrumentálneho usporiadania in line prepojenia mikroelektrome...
The low-cost set-up is based on the flexible microfluidic breadboard approach. To avoid the use of e...
An online coupling of microchip isotachophoresis (µITP) with ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) using t...
The coupling between open channel-based microchip electrophoresis and mass spectrometry via electros...
Desorpcija i ionizacija elektroraspršenjem (DESI) tehnika je ionizacije uzorka kod koje se kao detek...
Isotachophoresis (displacement electrophoresis) belongs to one of the four basic electrophoretic sep...
A method for conversion of the universal detector signal in isotachophoresis which enables the use o...
Práce se zabývá vlivem pracovních parametrů na separaci látek micelární elektrokinetickou chromatogr...
The online coupling of capillary electrophoresis with ambient direct analysis in real time mass spec...
Capillary electrophoresis – electrospray ionization – mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS) combines the sup...
Techniques and instruments of isotachophoresis are described and the technique is demonstrated by se...
A survey is given of the latest research on isotachophoresis, especially instrumentation aspects and...