Background: The use of simulation for laparoscopic training has led to the development of objective tools for skills assessment. Motion analysis represents one area of focus. This study was designed to assess the evidence for the use of motion analysis as a valid tool for laparoscopic skills assessment. Methods: Embase, MEDLINE and PubMed were searched using the following domains: (1) motion analysis, (2) validation and (3) laparoscopy. Studies investigating motion analysis as a tool for assessment of laparoscopic skill in general surgery were included. Common endpoints in motion analysis metrics were compared between studies according to a modified form of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence and recommendation...
Purpose: To compare assessment capabilities of a motion analysis tool against a validated checklist ...
Objective Virtual reality simulators are increasingly used in laparoscopy training. Such simulators ...
Abstract—Box trainers equipped with sensors may help in ac-quiring objective information about a tra...
Background: The use of simulation for laparoscopic training has led to the development of objective ...
INTRODUCTION: Motion metrics have become an important source of information when addressing the asse...
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to show the validity of a motion analysis system in its abili...
Background Our aim was to characterize the motions of multiple laparoscopic surgical instruments amo...
Motion tracking software for assessing laparoscopic surgical proficiency has been proven to be effec...
Background Motion analysis parameters (MAPs) have been extensively validated for assessment of minim...
Performing laparoscopic surgery requires several skills, which have never been required for conventi...
Background: A high level of psychomotor skills is required to perform minimally invasive surgery (MI...
Objective: This article presents the implementation of surgeon's musculoskeletal model for gesture a...
OBJECTIVE: This article presents the implementation of surgeon's musculo-skeletal model for gestur...
Background: Objective force- and motion-based assessment is currently lacking in laparoscopic skills...
Despite technological advances in the tracking of surgical motions, automatic evaluation of laparosc...
Purpose: To compare assessment capabilities of a motion analysis tool against a validated checklist ...
Objective Virtual reality simulators are increasingly used in laparoscopy training. Such simulators ...
Abstract—Box trainers equipped with sensors may help in ac-quiring objective information about a tra...
Background: The use of simulation for laparoscopic training has led to the development of objective ...
INTRODUCTION: Motion metrics have become an important source of information when addressing the asse...
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to show the validity of a motion analysis system in its abili...
Background Our aim was to characterize the motions of multiple laparoscopic surgical instruments amo...
Motion tracking software for assessing laparoscopic surgical proficiency has been proven to be effec...
Background Motion analysis parameters (MAPs) have been extensively validated for assessment of minim...
Performing laparoscopic surgery requires several skills, which have never been required for conventi...
Background: A high level of psychomotor skills is required to perform minimally invasive surgery (MI...
Objective: This article presents the implementation of surgeon's musculoskeletal model for gesture a...
OBJECTIVE: This article presents the implementation of surgeon's musculo-skeletal model for gestur...
Background: Objective force- and motion-based assessment is currently lacking in laparoscopic skills...
Despite technological advances in the tracking of surgical motions, automatic evaluation of laparosc...
Purpose: To compare assessment capabilities of a motion analysis tool against a validated checklist ...
Objective Virtual reality simulators are increasingly used in laparoscopy training. Such simulators ...
Abstract—Box trainers equipped with sensors may help in ac-quiring objective information about a tra...