Perceptions that rural populations are inevitably healthier and live longer than urban populations are increasingly being challenged. But very few publications have investigated the extent to which these putative differences can be explained by variation in area composition. Existing publications have tended to use conventional deprivation measures, often thought to mask rural deprivation by favourable averages. Further, they have typically been based on large and variably-sized geographical units, or confined to studies of a single region or cause of death. This study examines differences in mortality between rural and urban areas in the entire population of England and Wales for 2002–2004. It uses the most up-to-date small geographical...
Poor health and social deprivation scores in 570 wards in East Anglia, UK, were much less associated...
Background:Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) mortality has beendeclining in the UK since the 1970s. Neve...
Background: Previous research shows that mortality varies significantly by residential context; howe...
Perceptions that rural populations are inevitably healthier and live longer than urban populations a...
This paper investigates the relationship between premature mortality and material deprivation, and t...
This article examines differences in mortality between rural and urban areas in England and Wales in...
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To examine the relations between geographical variations in mortality, morbidity, a...
Study objective: To examine the relations between geographical variations in mortality, morbidity, a...
Objective: To investigate differences in risk of categories and causes of death before 1 year of ag...
Background: Previous research shows that mortality varies significantly by residential context; howe...
Purpose: Rural communities often experience higher rates of mortality than their urban counterparts,...
This study is situated within the international literature on geographic health inequalities between...
STUDY OBJECTIVE---To examine the geographical variation in self perceived morbidity in the south wes...
In the UK there has been an extensive amount of research in the field of geographical disparities in...
Abstract Background From a public health perspective and for the appropriate allocation of resources...
Poor health and social deprivation scores in 570 wards in East Anglia, UK, were much less associated...
Background:Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) mortality has beendeclining in the UK since the 1970s. Neve...
Background: Previous research shows that mortality varies significantly by residential context; howe...
Perceptions that rural populations are inevitably healthier and live longer than urban populations a...
This paper investigates the relationship between premature mortality and material deprivation, and t...
This article examines differences in mortality between rural and urban areas in England and Wales in...
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To examine the relations between geographical variations in mortality, morbidity, a...
Study objective: To examine the relations between geographical variations in mortality, morbidity, a...
Objective: To investigate differences in risk of categories and causes of death before 1 year of ag...
Background: Previous research shows that mortality varies significantly by residential context; howe...
Purpose: Rural communities often experience higher rates of mortality than their urban counterparts,...
This study is situated within the international literature on geographic health inequalities between...
STUDY OBJECTIVE---To examine the geographical variation in self perceived morbidity in the south wes...
In the UK there has been an extensive amount of research in the field of geographical disparities in...
Abstract Background From a public health perspective and for the appropriate allocation of resources...
Poor health and social deprivation scores in 570 wards in East Anglia, UK, were much less associated...
Background:Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) mortality has beendeclining in the UK since the 1970s. Neve...
Background: Previous research shows that mortality varies significantly by residential context; howe...