In the later 1870s, conflicts developed near Paeroa between a small hapu, Ngati Hako, and other hapu over land sales and surveys. In 1879, after some members of Ngati Koi offered to sell the Pukehanga Block, at Rotokohu, between Paeroa and Te Aroha, to the Crown, surveyors were sent to determine the boundaries despite threats of violence from Ngati Hako. These threats became a reality with shots being fired, wounding a surveyor’s assistant, ‘Daldy’ McWilliams, who survived by playing dead. Despite Pakeha fury about a ‘weak’ response, officials reacted cautiously, fearing to provoke a wider conflict. Instead of trying to arrest the two men accused of the attempted murder, which would have been difficult, because Ngati Hako claimed their ac...