Resilient modulus of soil is crucial for the design of a structure on a foundation subjected to a cyclic loading (e.g., traffic load or machine vibration load). This paper conducted a series of dynamic triaxial tests of saturated silty clay, considering the influence of the factors of cyclic stress ratio (CSR), static deviatoric stress ratio (SDR), and overconsolidation ratio (OCR) on the resilient modulus and dynamic damping ratio of the soil. A cyclic loading with a form of half sine wave was used to model the traffic loading. The results showed that the soil was prone to failure under a higher SDR, even though the applied CSR was less than the critical CSR. The saturated silty clay performed a strain softening behavior and its dynamic pr...
To introduce a performance specification, pavement foundations must be designed using analytical met...
Resilient modulus is one of the important parameters used in the analysis and modelling of subgrade ...
The stress-strain characteristics of soil depend primarily on the previous stress history and stress...
Soil investigations concerning cyclic loading focus on the evaluation, in particular, of design para...
International audienceThe soil stress state is three-dimensional (3D) in many applications, includin...
Analysis of the multistage cyclic loading test on resilient modulus value. Upon cyclic excitation of...
The deformation and strength characteristics of saturated clay are studied through a cyclic triaxial...
In this paper, cyclic triaxial loading tests were conducted on specimens of soft clay with varying c...
This paper presents the results of a series of one-way cyclic triaxial tests carried out to investig...
The cyclic response of subgrade clays under traffic loadings is likely to be partly drained rather t...
Small-strain shear modulus, Gmax, is a key evaluation index to study the dynamic characteristics of ...
Dynamic resilient modulus is the design index of highway subgrade design code in China, which is sig...
As one of the important parameters used in the analysis and design of subgrade, resilient modulus is...
Site response analyses and solution of dynamic soil-structure interaction problems need determinatio...
Sensitive clay is a kind of clay, which loses its shear strength when it is subjected to cyclic load...
To introduce a performance specification, pavement foundations must be designed using analytical met...
Resilient modulus is one of the important parameters used in the analysis and modelling of subgrade ...
The stress-strain characteristics of soil depend primarily on the previous stress history and stress...
Soil investigations concerning cyclic loading focus on the evaluation, in particular, of design para...
International audienceThe soil stress state is three-dimensional (3D) in many applications, includin...
Analysis of the multistage cyclic loading test on resilient modulus value. Upon cyclic excitation of...
The deformation and strength characteristics of saturated clay are studied through a cyclic triaxial...
In this paper, cyclic triaxial loading tests were conducted on specimens of soft clay with varying c...
This paper presents the results of a series of one-way cyclic triaxial tests carried out to investig...
The cyclic response of subgrade clays under traffic loadings is likely to be partly drained rather t...
Small-strain shear modulus, Gmax, is a key evaluation index to study the dynamic characteristics of ...
Dynamic resilient modulus is the design index of highway subgrade design code in China, which is sig...
As one of the important parameters used in the analysis and design of subgrade, resilient modulus is...
Site response analyses and solution of dynamic soil-structure interaction problems need determinatio...
Sensitive clay is a kind of clay, which loses its shear strength when it is subjected to cyclic load...
To introduce a performance specification, pavement foundations must be designed using analytical met...
Resilient modulus is one of the important parameters used in the analysis and modelling of subgrade ...
The stress-strain characteristics of soil depend primarily on the previous stress history and stress...