QCD, Spin-Glass and String

  • Peschanski, R
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Publication date
October 2006


When quarks and gluons are led to form a dense medium, like in high energy or/and heavy-ion collisions, it is interesting to ask the question which are the relevant degrees of freedom that Quantum Chromodynamics predict. The present notes correspond to two lectures given at Zakopane in the (rainy) summer of 2006, where this question is adressed concretely in two cases, one in the regime of weak coupling, the other one at strong coupling. Each case corresponds to the study of a dynamically important transient phase of quarks and gluons expected to appear from Quantum Chromodynamics. In lecture I, we examine the dynamical phase space of gluon transverse momenta near the so-called ``saturation'' phase including its fluctuation pattern. In lect...

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