Variational method has been applied to estimate Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effects on virtual photon emission from the quark gluon plasma as a function of photon mass. The variational method was well tested for the LPM effects in real photon emission by Arnold et. al., For virtual photons, LPM effects arising from multiple scatterings of quarks in the plasma are determined by the integral equations for the transverse vector function (${\bf \tilde{f}(\tilde{p}_\perp)}$) and the longitudinal function ($\tilde{g}({\bf \tilde{p}_\perp})$). We extended the variational method to solve these transverse and longitudinal equations for a variable set \{$p_0,q_0,Q^2$\}, considering bremsstrahlung and $\bf aws$ processes. We solved these equations...