The recent marine carbonate world comprises two major compartments: (1) the surface domain of the photozoan carbonates, confined in space by water depth and by the penetration of light, and (2) a deep domain, where heterozoan mound-builder guilds directly forage on fluxes of nutrients, which primarily percolate from the photic zone and/or are generated by in situ benthic processes. Locally, giant cold-water coral mounds tower up to heights of 150 to 250 m above the sea floor, in general between 500 and 1300 m water depth and within sharply delineated provinces. Some 15 years of research on these giant mound provinces conveys a picture of their distribution in space and possibly sheds light on controls, acting in concert. Globally, there is ...
The ESF EuroDIVERSITY MiCROSYSTEMS project aimed to turn the cold-water coral (CWC) mounds on the Pe...
Being both triggered by intense bottom currents, contourites and cold-water corals often occur side ...
Large mound structures associated with cold-water coral ecosystems commonly occur on the slopes of c...
The recent marine carbonate world comprises two major compartments: (1) the surface domain of the p...
Carbonate mounds are prominent features throughout the geological record. In many hydrocarbon provin...
Over a decade of research on recent cold-water coral mounds in various oceans has set the stage for ...
Along the European Atlantic continental margin, recent to young (late Quaternary) fossil carbonate m...
Sub-recent cold-water carbonate mounds localized in deeper slope settings on the Atlantic continenta...
Carbonate buildups and mounds are impressive biogenic structures throughout Earth history. In the re...
Porcupine Basin displays - within the North Atlantic realm and perhaps in a global perspective - a u...
The MiCROSYSTEMS project under the ESF EUROCORES EuroDiversity scheme is a holistic and multi-scale ...
This paper presents a new cluster of carbonate mounds discovered in 2002 in the Gulf of Cadiz off Mo...
Recently acquired bathymetric and high-resolution seismic data from the upper slope of Santos Basin...
Coral mounds formed by framework-forming cold-water corals pierce the seabed along most continental ...
Carbonate mounds are important contributors of life in different settings, from warm-water to cold-w...
The ESF EuroDIVERSITY MiCROSYSTEMS project aimed to turn the cold-water coral (CWC) mounds on the Pe...
Being both triggered by intense bottom currents, contourites and cold-water corals often occur side ...
Large mound structures associated with cold-water coral ecosystems commonly occur on the slopes of c...
The recent marine carbonate world comprises two major compartments: (1) the surface domain of the p...
Carbonate mounds are prominent features throughout the geological record. In many hydrocarbon provin...
Over a decade of research on recent cold-water coral mounds in various oceans has set the stage for ...
Along the European Atlantic continental margin, recent to young (late Quaternary) fossil carbonate m...
Sub-recent cold-water carbonate mounds localized in deeper slope settings on the Atlantic continenta...
Carbonate buildups and mounds are impressive biogenic structures throughout Earth history. In the re...
Porcupine Basin displays - within the North Atlantic realm and perhaps in a global perspective - a u...
The MiCROSYSTEMS project under the ESF EUROCORES EuroDiversity scheme is a holistic and multi-scale ...
This paper presents a new cluster of carbonate mounds discovered in 2002 in the Gulf of Cadiz off Mo...
Recently acquired bathymetric and high-resolution seismic data from the upper slope of Santos Basin...
Coral mounds formed by framework-forming cold-water corals pierce the seabed along most continental ...
Carbonate mounds are important contributors of life in different settings, from warm-water to cold-w...
The ESF EuroDIVERSITY MiCROSYSTEMS project aimed to turn the cold-water coral (CWC) mounds on the Pe...
Being both triggered by intense bottom currents, contourites and cold-water corals often occur side ...
Large mound structures associated with cold-water coral ecosystems commonly occur on the slopes of c...