Newspaper created by students participating in the Minority Journalism Workshop hosted by the WKU Journalism Department. Clark, Ashlee. Campus Security Tightens in Wake of Murder Lau, Jessica. Diversity Grows, Problems Persist Yee, April. Home of Love Leong, Jennifer. State Street Baptist Church Rededication Date Set Cowherd, Heather. Growing Up Black in Bowling Green Clark, Ashlee & Aja Junior. Regents Approve Increased Budget Leong, Jennifer. Hispanic Ministry Provides Heartfelt Worship Taylor, Sean. Shake Rag Gains New Support, Awareness Taylor, Sean. Patriot Act Tramples Peoples\u27 Civil Rights Clark, Ashlee. Got Ethics? Winters, Jonathan. Remove Patriotism from Flames Yee, April. Stereotypes Jefferson, Regina & Stephanie Keene. In...