Portrait of the Lincoln family sitting around a table. Abraham's and Tad's poses are based on a photograph taken by Anthony Berger. Robert is standing behind the table, Willie is in the middle, and Mary is on the left."Writing of the plans to publish this print, Carpenter said: 'Mr. Buttre proposes to engrave the picture in superb style - to be published only by subscription. I commend him to the kind consideration of my friends.'
Photograph of a portrait painting of Abraham Lincoln and family gathered around a table.https://scho...
Photograph of either an engraving or lithograph featuring a portrait of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Tod...
The image is a colored print of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. The portrait is based from a photogra...
Lincoln family sitting around a table."Lincoln's assassination inspired the publication of many prin...
The carte de visite features a composite image of Abraham Lincoln and his family, rumored to be base...
Typical scene of the Lincoln family around a table, but this time set outdoors. Mary is standing nex...
The object is a photographic reproduction of an engraving that depicts Abraham Lincoln and his famil...
Lincoln is shown with his two sons and wife surrounded by the elegant furnishings of the White House...
The object is a photographic reproduction of an engraving that depicts Abraham Lincoln and his famil...
Print of the Lincoln family seated around a table. Robert is standing behind a chair, Tad is writing...
Depicts the Lincoln family congregated around a table. Tad and Robert are standing; Tad reading a bo...
Photo reproduction of a composite portrait of five members of the Lincoln Family gathered around a t...
This scene of the Lincoln family has Abraham Lincoln seated holding a book, Mary standing, and Tad a...
Photo reproduction of print depicting five members of the Lincoln family gathered around a table.htt...
Photo reproduction four members of the Lincoln Family gathered around a table.https://scholarsjuncti...
Photograph of a portrait painting of Abraham Lincoln and family gathered around a table.https://scho...
Photograph of either an engraving or lithograph featuring a portrait of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Tod...
The image is a colored print of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. The portrait is based from a photogra...
Lincoln family sitting around a table."Lincoln's assassination inspired the publication of many prin...
The carte de visite features a composite image of Abraham Lincoln and his family, rumored to be base...
Typical scene of the Lincoln family around a table, but this time set outdoors. Mary is standing nex...
The object is a photographic reproduction of an engraving that depicts Abraham Lincoln and his famil...
Lincoln is shown with his two sons and wife surrounded by the elegant furnishings of the White House...
The object is a photographic reproduction of an engraving that depicts Abraham Lincoln and his famil...
Print of the Lincoln family seated around a table. Robert is standing behind a chair, Tad is writing...
Depicts the Lincoln family congregated around a table. Tad and Robert are standing; Tad reading a bo...
Photo reproduction of a composite portrait of five members of the Lincoln Family gathered around a t...
This scene of the Lincoln family has Abraham Lincoln seated holding a book, Mary standing, and Tad a...
Photo reproduction of print depicting five members of the Lincoln family gathered around a table.htt...
Photo reproduction four members of the Lincoln Family gathered around a table.https://scholarsjuncti...
Photograph of a portrait painting of Abraham Lincoln and family gathered around a table.https://scho...
Photograph of either an engraving or lithograph featuring a portrait of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Tod...
The image is a colored print of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. The portrait is based from a photogra...