Неповоротний гортанний нерв, обумовлений аномальним ходом правої підключичної артерії (arteria lusoria), у пацієнтки з рецидивуючим папілярним тиреоїдним раком: перший в Україні документований клінічний випадок

  • Cherenko, S.M.
  • Bodnar, M.R.
  • Glagoleva, A.Yu.
Publication date
May 2021
Zaslavsky O.Yu.


Background. The aberrant right subclavian artery (lat. arteria lusoria, AL) is a rare vascular abnormality of the aortic arch in humans, which occurs with a frequency of 0.1–2.5 % and is of great clinical importance due to the associated abnormality of the lower laryngeal nerve (non-recurrent laryngeal nerve, NLN), the risk of damage to which during thyroid surgery increases dramatically. For the first time in Ukraine, the clinical case of preoperative diagnosis of AL, intraoperative identification of NLN is comprehensively described and the current state of the issue is analyzed. The purpose was to show the importance of studying the aortic arch anatomy with a possible presence of AL, which in turn causes abnormal embryonic formation of NL...

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