The structure of railway transport expenses is investigated over studied the infrastructure objects as a factor influencing upon their values.Исследуется структура затрат железнодорожного транспорта по объектам инфраструктуры как фактор, влияющий на их величину.Досліджується структура витрат залізничного транспорту по об’єктах інфраструктури як фактор, що впливає на їх обсяг
Optimization of the financing spare is considered In article in structured subdivisions of the railw...
In this article the essence of the railway transport sector of economy is examined. The dynamics of ...
Shaped membership function of technological parameters of the objective function to prioritize the a...
The operational expenses of the railway transport infrastructure and their dependence on the basic r...
The operation expenses of railway transport infrastructure and their dependency on the main indices ...
An influence of the increase of speed of train movement on the expenditures related to wear of rail ...
In this article the economic constituents of positioning the railway transport at the market of tran...
The issues of providing the quality of construction of railway transport objects, organization of wo...
The economic mechanism of railway transport management in the most developed countries of the world ...
The labor productivity on railway transport ofUkraine, the methods of its calculation at facilities ...
The railway transport ofUkraineis examined from positions of the sustainable development.Рассматрива...
The structure of managerial system of railway transport ofUkrainein the second half of the XIX-th ce...
The research results regarding the change to expenses of materials for the current rail track mainte...
The stages of reforming the railway transport in developed countries are studied. The experience of ...
Міщенко, М. І. Системний підхід в обґрунтованні рівня витрат інфраструктури залізниць / М. І. Міщенк...
Optimization of the financing spare is considered In article in structured subdivisions of the railw...
In this article the essence of the railway transport sector of economy is examined. The dynamics of ...
Shaped membership function of technological parameters of the objective function to prioritize the a...
The operational expenses of the railway transport infrastructure and their dependence on the basic r...
The operation expenses of railway transport infrastructure and their dependency on the main indices ...
An influence of the increase of speed of train movement on the expenditures related to wear of rail ...
In this article the economic constituents of positioning the railway transport at the market of tran...
The issues of providing the quality of construction of railway transport objects, organization of wo...
The economic mechanism of railway transport management in the most developed countries of the world ...
The labor productivity on railway transport ofUkraine, the methods of its calculation at facilities ...
The railway transport ofUkraineis examined from positions of the sustainable development.Рассматрива...
The structure of managerial system of railway transport ofUkrainein the second half of the XIX-th ce...
The research results regarding the change to expenses of materials for the current rail track mainte...
The stages of reforming the railway transport in developed countries are studied. The experience of ...
Міщенко, М. І. Системний підхід в обґрунтованні рівня витрат інфраструктури залізниць / М. І. Міщенк...
Optimization of the financing spare is considered In article in structured subdivisions of the railw...
In this article the essence of the railway transport sector of economy is examined. The dynamics of ...
Shaped membership function of technological parameters of the objective function to prioritize the a...