In order to process the constant flow of visual stimuli received throughout the day, our visual system allocates its resources to the current task at hand, whilst suppressing irrelevant stimuli. Research has found that attention can be guided by absolute features (e.g. green), or by target-non target relations (e.g.: greener, larger). This paper sets out to investigate these claims as well as determine whether visual information is guided by absolute values, as proposed by the feature based account (Born & Kerzel, 2011), or by a relational mechanism where features are processed in relation to the current context (Becker, 2010). Humans and honeybees completed a discrimination task consisting of two stimuli varying in both position and colour...
BACKGROUND: Recent studies on colour discrimination suggest that experience is an important factor i...
The results of behavioural experiments provide important information about the structure and informa...
BACKGROUND: Recent studies on colour discrimination suggest that experience is an important factor i...
AbstractVisual attention is commonly studied by using visuo-spatial cues indicating probable locatio...
Traditionalmodels of insect vision have assumed that insects are only capable of low-level analysis ...
Attention allows animals to respond selectively to competing stimuli, enabling some stimuli to evoke...
In humans, visual search tasks are commonly used to address the question of how visual attention is ...
By working with very simple images, a number of different visual cues used by the honeybee have been...
Several animals, including bees, use visual search to distinguish targets of interest and ignore dis...
The colour discrimination of individual free-flying honeybees (Apis mellifera) was tested with simul...
When honeybees are presented with a colour discrimination task, they tend to choose swiftly and accu...
Honey bees (Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758) potentially rely on a variety of visual cues when searchi...
An insect searching a meadow for flowers may detect several flowers from different species per sec-o...
By working with very simple images, a number of different visual cues used by the honeybee have been...
An insect searching a meadow for flowers may detect several flowers from different species per secon...
BACKGROUND: Recent studies on colour discrimination suggest that experience is an important factor i...
The results of behavioural experiments provide important information about the structure and informa...
BACKGROUND: Recent studies on colour discrimination suggest that experience is an important factor i...
AbstractVisual attention is commonly studied by using visuo-spatial cues indicating probable locatio...
Traditionalmodels of insect vision have assumed that insects are only capable of low-level analysis ...
Attention allows animals to respond selectively to competing stimuli, enabling some stimuli to evoke...
In humans, visual search tasks are commonly used to address the question of how visual attention is ...
By working with very simple images, a number of different visual cues used by the honeybee have been...
Several animals, including bees, use visual search to distinguish targets of interest and ignore dis...
The colour discrimination of individual free-flying honeybees (Apis mellifera) was tested with simul...
When honeybees are presented with a colour discrimination task, they tend to choose swiftly and accu...
Honey bees (Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758) potentially rely on a variety of visual cues when searchi...
An insect searching a meadow for flowers may detect several flowers from different species per sec-o...
By working with very simple images, a number of different visual cues used by the honeybee have been...
An insect searching a meadow for flowers may detect several flowers from different species per secon...
BACKGROUND: Recent studies on colour discrimination suggest that experience is an important factor i...
The results of behavioural experiments provide important information about the structure and informa...
BACKGROUND: Recent studies on colour discrimination suggest that experience is an important factor i...