Článek poukazuje na důležitost typografických prostředků při recepci psaných textů. Na příkladu záhlaví tří časopisů vydávaných v Polsku představiteli německé menšiny demonstruje, jak se význam psaného slova může měnit v závislosti na jeho okolí a jak může být účinek na čtenáře ovlivněn barvou, velikostí a typem písma, velikostí mezer a dalšími typografickými prostředky.The article points out the importance of typography in the reception of written texts. Using the example of the headers of three magazines published in Poland for the German-speaking minority, the author demonstrates how the meaning of the written word can change depending on its surroundings, and how the effect on the reader can be influenced by the colour, size and font of...
The article deals with linguistic heterogeneity in commercial advertisements addressed to the Czech-...
The article concerns press headlines in the angling press such as “Tygodnik Wędkarski”, “Wędkarski Ś...
The thesis is focused on linguistics, graphic and ideographic means associated with the process of t...
Tematem pracy są zapożyczenia językowe pojawiające się w nagłówkach prasowych magazynu 'ELLE' w lata...
Praca dotyczy analizy sposobów oddziaływania redakcji tabloidów na czytelników. Jest to spojrzenie ...
In the article, the author investigates the visual and communicative aspects of font fonts usage in ...
Der Artikel widmet sich der Analyse der Textsorte Glückwünsche in der deutschen und polnischen Press...
The article analyzes the header structure of Russian newspapers to identify the functions that they ...
The aim of the article is to present and discuss graphic means used in press headlines. The material...
The aim of the article is to present and discuss graphic means used in press headlines. The material...
Artykuł jest poświęcony komunikatom wizualno-werbalnym na okładkach czasopism publicystycznych. Boga...
The aim of article is analysis of headlines of texts published on portal Treningbiegacza.pl. Informa...
What do covers say? About quality of visual communicates of Polish contemporary publications o...
The headlines of modern electronic newspapers are designed to reflect and convey to the addressee in...
Bakalaura darbā Virsraksti plašsaziņas līdzekļos sintaktiskās struktūras un tekstveides aspektā aplū...
The article deals with linguistic heterogeneity in commercial advertisements addressed to the Czech-...
The article concerns press headlines in the angling press such as “Tygodnik Wędkarski”, “Wędkarski Ś...
The thesis is focused on linguistics, graphic and ideographic means associated with the process of t...
Tematem pracy są zapożyczenia językowe pojawiające się w nagłówkach prasowych magazynu 'ELLE' w lata...
Praca dotyczy analizy sposobów oddziaływania redakcji tabloidów na czytelników. Jest to spojrzenie ...
In the article, the author investigates the visual and communicative aspects of font fonts usage in ...
Der Artikel widmet sich der Analyse der Textsorte Glückwünsche in der deutschen und polnischen Press...
The article analyzes the header structure of Russian newspapers to identify the functions that they ...
The aim of the article is to present and discuss graphic means used in press headlines. The material...
The aim of the article is to present and discuss graphic means used in press headlines. The material...
Artykuł jest poświęcony komunikatom wizualno-werbalnym na okładkach czasopism publicystycznych. Boga...
The aim of article is analysis of headlines of texts published on portal Treningbiegacza.pl. Informa...
What do covers say? About quality of visual communicates of Polish contemporary publications o...
The headlines of modern electronic newspapers are designed to reflect and convey to the addressee in...
Bakalaura darbā Virsraksti plašsaziņas līdzekļos sintaktiskās struktūras un tekstveides aspektā aplū...
The article deals with linguistic heterogeneity in commercial advertisements addressed to the Czech-...
The article concerns press headlines in the angling press such as “Tygodnik Wędkarski”, “Wędkarski Ś...
The thesis is focused on linguistics, graphic and ideographic means associated with the process of t...