International audienceSarraounia Mangou, who resisted the conquest of the Voulet-Chanoine army at the end of the nineteenth century, became a heroine of oral literature in Niger. Linked to the foundation stories of Lougou, Sarraounia became popular in textbooks and in contemporary media (radio, television, ballet). We will analyze the different types of reuses this oral intertextuality, from the texts of the Ministry of Education to the wider field of education involved in the media. Education in this sense thus affects a wide audience, from school pupils to popular reception or rumor, involving varied enunciators, from the Ministry of National Education to singers and producers of cultural events. Various purposes are thus inevitably assig...
Oral and history literature : the Nyabwa's Yaka poems. Stories of origin, migrations and wars are fa...
The tale is considered as a cultural treasure of peoples and is sometimes a way for the transmission...
The tale is considered as a cultural treasure of peoples and is sometimes a way for the transmission...
International audienceSarraounia Mangou, who resisted the conquest of the Voulet-Chanoine army at th...
Sarraounia Mangou, who resisted the conquest of the Voulet-Chanoine army at the end of the nineteent...
The writer Abdoulaye Mamani, using oral myths from the area of Lougou, Niger, re-wrote the story of ...
International audienceThe study of culturally different fictions is highly interesting from an anthr...
The aim of this dissertation is to question the concept of orality as the natural expression of ance...
Great figures, national heroes, founding fathers or on the contrary tyrannical figures or witches, A...
Great figures, national heroes, founding fathers or on the contrary tyrannical figures or witches, A...
This paper focuses on teaching history and civilization of sub-Saharan Africa, the biggest francopho...
International audienceThis paper address the question of the orality of Mme de Lafayette’s novel, La...
A study of the new ways oral literature is being transmitted in Nigeria, with particular focus on ch...
Souvent considéré comme une pure littérature ludique et enfantine, le conte ne relève pas seulement...
My dissertation investigates questions of education in the discourses and representations employed b...
Oral and history literature : the Nyabwa's Yaka poems. Stories of origin, migrations and wars are fa...
The tale is considered as a cultural treasure of peoples and is sometimes a way for the transmission...
The tale is considered as a cultural treasure of peoples and is sometimes a way for the transmission...
International audienceSarraounia Mangou, who resisted the conquest of the Voulet-Chanoine army at th...
Sarraounia Mangou, who resisted the conquest of the Voulet-Chanoine army at the end of the nineteent...
The writer Abdoulaye Mamani, using oral myths from the area of Lougou, Niger, re-wrote the story of ...
International audienceThe study of culturally different fictions is highly interesting from an anthr...
The aim of this dissertation is to question the concept of orality as the natural expression of ance...
Great figures, national heroes, founding fathers or on the contrary tyrannical figures or witches, A...
Great figures, national heroes, founding fathers or on the contrary tyrannical figures or witches, A...
This paper focuses on teaching history and civilization of sub-Saharan Africa, the biggest francopho...
International audienceThis paper address the question of the orality of Mme de Lafayette’s novel, La...
A study of the new ways oral literature is being transmitted in Nigeria, with particular focus on ch...
Souvent considéré comme une pure littérature ludique et enfantine, le conte ne relève pas seulement...
My dissertation investigates questions of education in the discourses and representations employed b...
Oral and history literature : the Nyabwa's Yaka poems. Stories of origin, migrations and wars are fa...
The tale is considered as a cultural treasure of peoples and is sometimes a way for the transmission...
The tale is considered as a cultural treasure of peoples and is sometimes a way for the transmission...