By Simone Maghenzani and Stefano Villani, British Protestant Missions and the Conversion of Europe, 1600–1900, London, Routledge, 2020. Please find the editor website here
'Confessional Mobility and English Catholics in Counter-Reformation Europe', edited by Liesbeth Core...
By Mario Biagioni. Viaggiatori dell'utopia: la Riforma radicale del Cinquecento e le origini del mon...
Edited by Riccarda Suitner, Gli Illuministi e i demoni. Il dibattito su magia e stregoneria dal Tre...
Online roundtable discussion of the new book edited by Simone Maghenzani (Cambridge) and Stefano Vil...
The book presentation of British Protestant Missions and the Conversion of Europe, 1600-1900, edited...
By Alexander Schunka, Ein neuer Blick nach Westen. Deutsche Protestanten und Großbritannien (1688–17...
by Francesco Quatrini, Adam Boreel (1602–1665): A Collegiant’s Attempt to Reform Christianity, Leide...
By Benoît Garnot, Une affaire de possession au XVIIe siècle. Les religieuses d’Auxonne (1658-1663), ...
by Elisabeth Fischer and Xenia von Tippelskirch, Bodies in Early Modern Religious Dissent. Naked, Ve...
By Serge Maury, Une secte janséniste convulsionnaire sous la Révolution française. Les Fareinistes (...
By Tamar Herzig, A convert's Tale. Art, Crime and Jewish Apostasy in Renaissance Italy, Cambridge, H...
by Lionel Laborie and Ariel Hessayon, Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regiona...
KFG Junior Fellow Martin Christ has just published a new monograph entitled Biographies of a Reforma...
By Jean-Raymond Fanlo, L’Évangile du démon. La Possession diabolique d’Aix-en-Povence (1610-1611), P...
In 2015, I attended the conference Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, 1400-1800 at the Un...
'Confessional Mobility and English Catholics in Counter-Reformation Europe', edited by Liesbeth Core...
By Mario Biagioni. Viaggiatori dell'utopia: la Riforma radicale del Cinquecento e le origini del mon...
Edited by Riccarda Suitner, Gli Illuministi e i demoni. Il dibattito su magia e stregoneria dal Tre...
Online roundtable discussion of the new book edited by Simone Maghenzani (Cambridge) and Stefano Vil...
The book presentation of British Protestant Missions and the Conversion of Europe, 1600-1900, edited...
By Alexander Schunka, Ein neuer Blick nach Westen. Deutsche Protestanten und Großbritannien (1688–17...
by Francesco Quatrini, Adam Boreel (1602–1665): A Collegiant’s Attempt to Reform Christianity, Leide...
By Benoît Garnot, Une affaire de possession au XVIIe siècle. Les religieuses d’Auxonne (1658-1663), ...
by Elisabeth Fischer and Xenia von Tippelskirch, Bodies in Early Modern Religious Dissent. Naked, Ve...
By Serge Maury, Une secte janséniste convulsionnaire sous la Révolution française. Les Fareinistes (...
By Tamar Herzig, A convert's Tale. Art, Crime and Jewish Apostasy in Renaissance Italy, Cambridge, H...
by Lionel Laborie and Ariel Hessayon, Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regiona...
KFG Junior Fellow Martin Christ has just published a new monograph entitled Biographies of a Reforma...
By Jean-Raymond Fanlo, L’Évangile du démon. La Possession diabolique d’Aix-en-Povence (1610-1611), P...
In 2015, I attended the conference Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, 1400-1800 at the Un...
'Confessional Mobility and English Catholics in Counter-Reformation Europe', edited by Liesbeth Core...
By Mario Biagioni. Viaggiatori dell'utopia: la Riforma radicale del Cinquecento e le origini del mon...
Edited by Riccarda Suitner, Gli Illuministi e i demoni. Il dibattito su magia e stregoneria dal Tre...