MedicīnaVeselības aprūpeMedicineHealth CareCorona mortis jeb „nāves vainags” ir artēriju un/vai vēnu savienojums starp obturatoria un iliaca externa sistēmām, un ir uzskatāms par novirzi no normas (Mahato, 2009; Rusu et al., 2010). Savu nosaukumu corona mortis ieguva, balstoties uz dokumentētiem to veidojošo asinsvadu pārgriešanas gadījumiem, piemēram, femorālās hernioplastikas laikā, kas beidzās ar smagu asiņošanu un reizēm arī ar letālo iznākumu (Pinochet et al., 2015). No doto atziņu izriet, ka ir būtiski pārzināt retropubikālā apvidus asinsvadu topogrāfijas variācijas.The corona mortis (CMOR) or „corona of death” is a vascular connection between the obturator vessels and the arteries or veins of the external iliac system. This condition...
The obturator artery is one of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery, the ana...
Objective: To determine the variation in origin of the obturator artery and incidences of arterial a...
Department of Human Anatomy Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau...
Corona Mortis (CM) is a variation determined by the arterial and / or venous connection between the ...
Anastomosis between the pubic rami of the inferior epigastric and the obturator arteries has been re...
Background:”Corona mortis” is usually referred to in the majority of the bibliographical sources as ...
Corona mortis (CM) is classically defined as the arterial anastomosis between the obturator artery a...
The blood vessels traversing the superior pubic ramus are usually vascular connections between obtur...
Corona mortis (CMOR) is a heterogeneous and often dubious term that causes much confusion in medical...
The corona mortis is an anatomic variant that involves anastomosis between obturator vessels, extern...
PediatrijaVeselības aprūpePediatricsHealth CareSpatium retropharyngeum et spatia parapharyngea ir te...
The Modified Stoppa approach to the pelvis offers extensive exposure to the anterior column of the p...
We encountered some multiple vessel variations in the retropubic region of a 55-year-old male cadave...
The obturator artery is one of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery, the ana...
The obturator artery is one of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery, the ana...
The obturator artery is one of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery, the ana...
Objective: To determine the variation in origin of the obturator artery and incidences of arterial a...
Department of Human Anatomy Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau...
Corona Mortis (CM) is a variation determined by the arterial and / or venous connection between the ...
Anastomosis between the pubic rami of the inferior epigastric and the obturator arteries has been re...
Background:”Corona mortis” is usually referred to in the majority of the bibliographical sources as ...
Corona mortis (CM) is classically defined as the arterial anastomosis between the obturator artery a...
The blood vessels traversing the superior pubic ramus are usually vascular connections between obtur...
Corona mortis (CMOR) is a heterogeneous and often dubious term that causes much confusion in medical...
The corona mortis is an anatomic variant that involves anastomosis between obturator vessels, extern...
PediatrijaVeselības aprūpePediatricsHealth CareSpatium retropharyngeum et spatia parapharyngea ir te...
The Modified Stoppa approach to the pelvis offers extensive exposure to the anterior column of the p...
We encountered some multiple vessel variations in the retropubic region of a 55-year-old male cadave...
The obturator artery is one of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery, the ana...
The obturator artery is one of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery, the ana...
The obturator artery is one of the parietal branches arising from the internal iliac artery, the ana...
Objective: To determine the variation in origin of the obturator artery and incidences of arterial a...
Department of Human Anatomy Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau...