MedicīnaVeselības aprūpeMedicineHealth CareNabassaites izkrišana ir ārkārtas situācija dzemdniecībā, kad nabassaite nokrīt zem augļa esošās daļas, kas var izraisīt augļa asfiksiju. Incidence svārstās no 0,1% līdz 0,6%. Iespējamie riska faktori ir priekšlaikus dzimis bērns, augļa zems dzimšanas svars (<2500 g), ne – galviņas priekšguļa, polihidramnijs, amniotomijas pielietojums, daudzaugļu grūtniecība un gara nabassaite. Pētījuma mērķis bija identificēt iespējamos nabassaites izkrišanas riska faktorus, taktiku un bērna perinatālo iznākumu. Retrospektīvajā aprakstošajā pētījumā tika iekļauti visi nabassaites izkrišanas gadījumi Rīgas Dzemdību namā laika posmā no 2013. līdz 2017. gadam. Pēc nejaušības principa uz katru nabassaites izkrišanas g...
Objectives: Considering the rarity of umbilical cord prolapse (UCP) and lack of accurate data about ...
Pravi čvor pupkovine je jedna od abnormalnosti pupkovine koja može utjecati na ishod trudnoće. Posto...
Umbilical cord prolapse is obstetric emergency that may have significant neonatal morbidity and mort...
Background: This study is done to determine the risk factors and the perinatal outcomes in umbilical...
Aim: The goal of this study was to identify risk factors associated with umbilical cord prolapse and...
ABSTRACT: The umbilical cord prolapse complicates 0.11 to 0.18% of live births. The overall inciden...
OBJECTIVES: To determine obstetric risk factors and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies complicated by...
Background: Umbilical cord prolapse is an obstetric emergency that threatens the life and well-being...
Background: Umbilical cord prolapse is a major obstetrical emergency that threatens the fetal progno...
Cord prolapse is one of the obstetric emergencies in labour, posing a life threatening suituation fo...
© 2022 Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi. All rights reserved.Umblical cord prolapse is a very rare conditi...
Objective: To determine the significance of the Diagnosis to Delivery Interval (DDI) on perinatal ou...
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors and outcomes of umbilical cord pro...
Wstęp: Wypadnięcie pępowiny to rzadkie powikłanie okołoporodowe. Jest to sytuacja, gdy po pęknięciu ...
Objective: To study the prevalence and perinatal outcomes of pregnancy with umbilical cord prolapse...
Objectives: Considering the rarity of umbilical cord prolapse (UCP) and lack of accurate data about ...
Pravi čvor pupkovine je jedna od abnormalnosti pupkovine koja može utjecati na ishod trudnoće. Posto...
Umbilical cord prolapse is obstetric emergency that may have significant neonatal morbidity and mort...
Background: This study is done to determine the risk factors and the perinatal outcomes in umbilical...
Aim: The goal of this study was to identify risk factors associated with umbilical cord prolapse and...
ABSTRACT: The umbilical cord prolapse complicates 0.11 to 0.18% of live births. The overall inciden...
OBJECTIVES: To determine obstetric risk factors and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies complicated by...
Background: Umbilical cord prolapse is an obstetric emergency that threatens the life and well-being...
Background: Umbilical cord prolapse is a major obstetrical emergency that threatens the fetal progno...
Cord prolapse is one of the obstetric emergencies in labour, posing a life threatening suituation fo...
© 2022 Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi. All rights reserved.Umblical cord prolapse is a very rare conditi...
Objective: To determine the significance of the Diagnosis to Delivery Interval (DDI) on perinatal ou...
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors and outcomes of umbilical cord pro...
Wstęp: Wypadnięcie pępowiny to rzadkie powikłanie okołoporodowe. Jest to sytuacja, gdy po pęknięciu ...
Objective: To study the prevalence and perinatal outcomes of pregnancy with umbilical cord prolapse...
Objectives: Considering the rarity of umbilical cord prolapse (UCP) and lack of accurate data about ...
Pravi čvor pupkovine je jedna od abnormalnosti pupkovine koja može utjecati na ishod trudnoće. Posto...
Umbilical cord prolapse is obstetric emergency that may have significant neonatal morbidity and mort...