Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur manliga veganer uppfattar sin maskulinitet i relation till att de utesluter animalier från sin kost. Genom åtta kvalitativa djupintervjuer med män som äter en växtbaserad kost ville jag få svar på frågeställningarna: Upplever manliga veganer att det finns en koppling mellan maskulinitet och köttkonsumtion? Hur tar sig i så fall denna koppling uttryck? Och anser manliga veganer att deras kostval påverkar deras sociala interaktioner med köttätare och hur förklarar samt förhåller de sig i så fall till detta? Ett tematiskt analysförfarande användes som metod för att analysera insamlad data. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för denna studie var Judith Butlers uppfattning om kön och att det är något som...
Aiemmat tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että kasvisruokavalion tai vegaanisen elämäntavan noudattamin...
Within the theoretical framework of psychological reactance and impression management, this study co...
Meat is a food item that is often associated with masculinity. Considering this gender stereotype, r...
Bakgrund I dagens samhälle finns det en uppfattning om manlighet och vad det innebär att vara man. A...
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the subject field of male vegans and masculinities throu...
Eating meat is an increasingly problematic social practice. It has devastating environmental effects...
Several studies indicate that Swedish men consume more meat than women, more frequently appear in ad...
IntroductionVegetarian or vegan diets are not yet popular with most men, though they are beneficial ...
The practice of veganism is becoming more and more common. While feminist theories show veganism to ...
Purpose: The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how two male chefs: Per Morberg and Gusta...
Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2014.Includes bibliographical references.Manhood is a precarious...
"Real men eat meat." While this idea is on the one hand widespread throughout time and cultures, it ...
In the United States, many people have turned to an alternative diet, veganism. The vegan diet contr...
"Real men eat meat." While this idea is on the one hand widespread throughout time and cultures, it ...
Key words: Hegemonic masculinity, vegan, vegetarian, meat and men, masculinity. Although there have ...
Aiemmat tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että kasvisruokavalion tai vegaanisen elämäntavan noudattamin...
Within the theoretical framework of psychological reactance and impression management, this study co...
Meat is a food item that is often associated with masculinity. Considering this gender stereotype, r...
Bakgrund I dagens samhälle finns det en uppfattning om manlighet och vad det innebär att vara man. A...
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the subject field of male vegans and masculinities throu...
Eating meat is an increasingly problematic social practice. It has devastating environmental effects...
Several studies indicate that Swedish men consume more meat than women, more frequently appear in ad...
IntroductionVegetarian or vegan diets are not yet popular with most men, though they are beneficial ...
The practice of veganism is becoming more and more common. While feminist theories show veganism to ...
Purpose: The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how two male chefs: Per Morberg and Gusta...
Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2014.Includes bibliographical references.Manhood is a precarious...
"Real men eat meat." While this idea is on the one hand widespread throughout time and cultures, it ...
In the United States, many people have turned to an alternative diet, veganism. The vegan diet contr...
"Real men eat meat." While this idea is on the one hand widespread throughout time and cultures, it ...
Key words: Hegemonic masculinity, vegan, vegetarian, meat and men, masculinity. Although there have ...
Aiemmat tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että kasvisruokavalion tai vegaanisen elämäntavan noudattamin...
Within the theoretical framework of psychological reactance and impression management, this study co...
Meat is a food item that is often associated with masculinity. Considering this gender stereotype, r...