Catedra de Filosofie şi Bioetică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”During the development of human thought, connection between philosophies-sciencetheology is characterized by the moments of conflict, interdependency, dialog and integration related to the problem of reality’s cognition. This article underlines the consequences of these challengers, establishes the role of religious in contemporary society, exposing the interrelation between theology and philosophy, between science and religion. Pe parcursul dezvoltării gândirii umane, conexiunea filosofie–ştiinţă–teologie este caractezată prin existenţa unor momente de conflict, independenţă, diolog şi integrare, în ceea ce priveşte cunoaşterea realităţii. Studiul dat evidenţiază consecinţ...
The status of philosophy has till recently been given contradictory evaluations by philosophers as w...
Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Accelerated development of new technologies...
Theology in the world of science Although modern universities are direct successors of the great...
Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică USMF "Nicolae Testemiţanu"As we advance in time, the truth prescribed ...
Catedra Filosofie şi BioeticăThe science, as we know, has progressed a lot in the last hundred years...
Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Developments in the information society ar...
Mystical Witnessing and Ascetical Life in Oriental Theology In short, our artic...
With a length of over 60 years (first issue appeared in 1950), the magazine ,,Mitropolia O...
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicalăScientifical methodology offers a large number of resea...
The Christian life and attitude can take different forms. The monastic life is one of them...
Catedra Limba română şi terminologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”There are a lot of ter...
Imaginea Africii în cultura română din prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea : Orizont geografic - o...
In the context of epistemological dilemmas of the current postmodernism, the author addresses the is...
La riscoperta dell'opera filosofica di Maimonide, la Guida dei Perplessi, da parte degli storici del...
The career of Gábor Téglás, an archaeologist who was born in Braşov/Kronstadt/Brassó (23 March 1848)...
The status of philosophy has till recently been given contradictory evaluations by philosophers as w...
Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Accelerated development of new technologies...
Theology in the world of science Although modern universities are direct successors of the great...
Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică USMF "Nicolae Testemiţanu"As we advance in time, the truth prescribed ...
Catedra Filosofie şi BioeticăThe science, as we know, has progressed a lot in the last hundred years...
Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Developments in the information society ar...
Mystical Witnessing and Ascetical Life in Oriental Theology In short, our artic...
With a length of over 60 years (first issue appeared in 1950), the magazine ,,Mitropolia O...
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicalăScientifical methodology offers a large number of resea...
The Christian life and attitude can take different forms. The monastic life is one of them...
Catedra Limba română şi terminologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”There are a lot of ter...
Imaginea Africii în cultura română din prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea : Orizont geografic - o...
In the context of epistemological dilemmas of the current postmodernism, the author addresses the is...
La riscoperta dell'opera filosofica di Maimonide, la Guida dei Perplessi, da parte degli storici del...
The career of Gábor Téglás, an archaeologist who was born in Braşov/Kronstadt/Brassó (23 March 1848)...
The status of philosophy has till recently been given contradictory evaluations by philosophers as w...
Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Accelerated development of new technologies...
Theology in the world of science Although modern universities are direct successors of the great...