Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie şi Psihologie Medicală USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”This study had the aim to evaluate the causes and risk factors of the auto-aggressive (auto-destructive) behavior in rezistent depressions. It was stable that the patients had the presuicide syndrome clinically manifested by the feeling of inferiority, aggressiveness to the aims, helplessness and hopelessness, the semi-conceived reporting of suicidal ideas and the depression was the main reason of these attempts. As the risk factors of the auto-aggressive behavior in refractory depression may be named: familial history of the auto-destructive behavior, the negative existential - familial events and the comorbidity with other psychiatric disturbances. Lu...
IMSP Spitalul clinic municipal Nr.1, Chişinău, Catedra Chirurgie Generală şi Semiologie USMF “Nicola...
Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dia...
The study shows a diversity and functionality of language games in Russian postmodern fiction. The a...
The family medicine is area of medicine which is based on work of a primary health care (PHC) team, ...
Curs chirurgie, Facultatea stomatologie USMF „NicolaeTestemiţanu”This article contains the results o...
Managing a patient with cognitive impairment is a challenge. Barriers are identified and doctors hav...
Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza ewolucji rynku kontroli korporacyjnej w Rosji. W toku rozważań z...
Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie a USMF “N. Testemiţanu”The aim of the study was to evaluate the st...
În studiu au fost incluse 296 de cazuri de tuberculoză la adolescenţi în vîrsta de la 14 pînă la 18 ...
The article provides information about rare and newly described species for the flora of the Urals a...
Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Lumbar spinal stenosis refers to a dive...
Catedra Boli infecţioase la copii USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Boli Con...
Catedra Oftalmologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The diagnosis of dry eye is a very important problem....
The diagnosis of breast cancer in early non-invazive forms has a big importance in treatment plannin...
USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul Medicină Internă, Disciplina Cardiologie, Clinica nr.3, S...
IMSP Spitalul clinic municipal Nr.1, Chişinău, Catedra Chirurgie Generală şi Semiologie USMF “Nicola...
Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dia...
The study shows a diversity and functionality of language games in Russian postmodern fiction. The a...
The family medicine is area of medicine which is based on work of a primary health care (PHC) team, ...
Curs chirurgie, Facultatea stomatologie USMF „NicolaeTestemiţanu”This article contains the results o...
Managing a patient with cognitive impairment is a challenge. Barriers are identified and doctors hav...
Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza ewolucji rynku kontroli korporacyjnej w Rosji. W toku rozważań z...
Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie a USMF “N. Testemiţanu”The aim of the study was to evaluate the st...
În studiu au fost incluse 296 de cazuri de tuberculoză la adolescenţi în vîrsta de la 14 pînă la 18 ...
The article provides information about rare and newly described species for the flora of the Urals a...
Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Lumbar spinal stenosis refers to a dive...
Catedra Boli infecţioase la copii USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Boli Con...
Catedra Oftalmologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The diagnosis of dry eye is a very important problem....
The diagnosis of breast cancer in early non-invazive forms has a big importance in treatment plannin...
USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul Medicină Internă, Disciplina Cardiologie, Clinica nr.3, S...
IMSP Spitalul clinic municipal Nr.1, Chişinău, Catedra Chirurgie Generală şi Semiologie USMF “Nicola...
Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dia...
The study shows a diversity and functionality of language games in Russian postmodern fiction. The a...