Background/aim Engagement in meaningful occupation, including paid work is considered an important determinant of health, impacted by injury or illness. Dementia is one neurodegenerative syndrome with potential to compromise capacity for remaining engaged in paid employment. In response to ‘ageing’ populations globally, policy shifts within developed economies are increasing workforce participation for those over 45 years and eligibility ages for retirement pensions. Dementia onset is not limited to ‘older age’, consequently an increased impact of dementia is likely for both older workers and those experiencing younger onset dementia. Therefore, identifying and addressing workforce participation issues confronting people with dementia is be...
U. Bültmann, J. Siegrist (eds.), Handbook of Disability, Work and Health, HandbookSeries in Occupati...
Background: The experience of developing dementia while in employment has been explored from the poi...
Objectives: To examine job control, job demands, social support at work, and job strain (ratio of de...
Introduction The World Health Organization estimates that 10% of the 35.6 million people worldwide w...
non-peer-reviewedBackground Dementia is the broad term used to describe a range of conditions, whic...
Dementia results from impaired cognition, due to damage to the brain. The majority of dementia cases...
Background: Growing evidence suggests a role of occupation in the emergence and manifestation of dem...
The importance of remaining in, or re-entering, the labour market is emphasised by governments inter...
Statistics show that an increase in the statutory retirement age in the UK will mean that many more ...
The Scottish population is ageing. This will have a significant impact on the labour market, in part...
The importance of remaining in, or re-entering, the labour market is emphasised by governments inter...
Introduction: In 2009, the United Kingdom Department of Health identified the need to assist familie...
Objectives: As working lives extend and there is better recognition of early-onset dementias, employ...
Understanding volition and preferences for occupation is a critical underpinning of effective occupa...
Dementia is a growing issue in the United Kingdom (UK) with over 800,000 people affected. Of these p...
U. Bültmann, J. Siegrist (eds.), Handbook of Disability, Work and Health, HandbookSeries in Occupati...
Background: The experience of developing dementia while in employment has been explored from the poi...
Objectives: To examine job control, job demands, social support at work, and job strain (ratio of de...
Introduction The World Health Organization estimates that 10% of the 35.6 million people worldwide w...
non-peer-reviewedBackground Dementia is the broad term used to describe a range of conditions, whic...
Dementia results from impaired cognition, due to damage to the brain. The majority of dementia cases...
Background: Growing evidence suggests a role of occupation in the emergence and manifestation of dem...
The importance of remaining in, or re-entering, the labour market is emphasised by governments inter...
Statistics show that an increase in the statutory retirement age in the UK will mean that many more ...
The Scottish population is ageing. This will have a significant impact on the labour market, in part...
The importance of remaining in, or re-entering, the labour market is emphasised by governments inter...
Introduction: In 2009, the United Kingdom Department of Health identified the need to assist familie...
Objectives: As working lives extend and there is better recognition of early-onset dementias, employ...
Understanding volition and preferences for occupation is a critical underpinning of effective occupa...
Dementia is a growing issue in the United Kingdom (UK) with over 800,000 people affected. Of these p...
U. Bültmann, J. Siegrist (eds.), Handbook of Disability, Work and Health, HandbookSeries in Occupati...
Background: The experience of developing dementia while in employment has been explored from the poi...
Objectives: To examine job control, job demands, social support at work, and job strain (ratio of de...