In Chapter 1 a brief outline of the range of naturally-occurring oxygen heterocycles is presented. This is follow ed by a com prehensive review of non-flavanoid naturally-occurring chromanones, including reference to any im portant biosynthetic studies. This is follow ed by a review of the synthesis of such compounds, concentrating on more recent developmentsChapter 2 concerns the biosynthesis of the chrom anone LL-D253a, a metabolite of P. p ig m e ntivora . A review of previous studies is presented, followed by a brief account of the existence of the phenonium ion, though t to be an intermediate in the biosynthesis of LL-D253a. The incorporation of sodium [2 - 2H3,13C]-acetate, and of diethyl [ 2 - 13C]-malonate, into LL-D253a giv...